Inspiritive Pty Limited was established in 1987 by certified trainers of Neuro-linguistic Programming to offer high quality, tailored services to its members and clients. The company uses the skills of highly qualified, credible and recognised trainers within the industry and its professional conduct and quality of service is well recognised by the international NLP Community. The organisation’s Strategic Plan provides evidence of the positioning and goals of Inspiritive:
Inspiritive Pty Limited was established in 1987 by certified trainers of Neuro-linguistic Programming to offer high quality, tailored services to its members and clients. The company uses the skills of highly qualified, credible and recognised trainers within the industry and its professional conduct and quality of service is well recognised by the international NLP Community. The organisation’s Strategic Plan provides evidence of the positioning and goals of Inspiritive:
Supporting people in their professional and personal lives with:
Inspiritive is aware that as a provider of recognised, accredited, national qualifications and statements of attainment it will:
Maintain confidentiality of all clients’ records and will convey the information contained in those records only at the explicit request of the client. The only exception to this requirement is where Inspiritive is directed by the ASQA to provide it with student records as part of its auditing and reporting processes.
Maintain systems for recording student enrolments, attendance, completion, assessment outcomes (including Recognition of Prior Learning), results, qualifications issued, grievances and the archiving of records. Inspiritive is aware of the importance of these records and will ensure that adequate back up procedures for soft copy versions of files are carried out.
In the event that Inspiritive ceases to operate, it will forward all records of student results dating from the time the organisation became a RTO, for all training covered by the registration, to the ASQA on computer disk or such other medium as shall be current for long term data storage.
Supply the ASQA, as requested, with delivery details for each course or Training Package qualification and session/unit of competence in the Scope of Registration and student details including enrolments, participation and completion in accordance with AQTF and AVETMISS requirements.
Inspiritive is committed to high quality course delivery and will:
1. Policy in line with obligations under State and Commonwealth legislation, Inspiritive is committed to promoting a fair and equitable environment for staff and clients that is free from discrimination, harassment and vilification. This policy applies to all current and prospective RTO staff and students and should be read in conjunction with the Complaints and Appeals Policy & Procedure.
2. Procedure
2.1 The RTO staff will adhere to the principles and practices of equity in education and training.
3. Inspiritive acknowledges its legal obligations under State and Federal equal opportunity laws that include:
3.1 Training and employment services are available to all clients regardless of ethnicity, gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, physical or intellectual impairment.
3.2 Sexual harassment is illegal, and will not be permitted in the workplace, or in the training environment.
3.3 The RTO will treat every client fairly and without discrimination.
3.4 Grievance procedures are in place to ensure that any concerns are dealt with immediately and appropriately. (Refer to the Complaints and Appeals Policy & Procedure).
3.5 Where possible, a range of support services or appropriate referrals will be provided to participants with special needs.
3.6 Staff responsibilities All employees are required to ensure all clients receive fair and equitable services within their scope of responsibility. All staff hold the responsibility to maintain a work and study environment free from discrimination and harassment. Management is responsible for ensuring adherence to the RTO’s policies and procedures that support this goal.
3.7 Client selection Clients will not be denied access to services offered by the RTO where they are deemed eligible for the service. Clients will be individually assessed on their eligibility for the service being provided and selection will comply with relevant equal opportunity legislation and the selection criteria for the service.
Whilst practising an open access policy, it is recognised that client eligibility for services may be influenced by:
In line with the VET quality and accountability requirements for the purposes of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA), Inspiritive Pty Ltd abides by the following fair treatment of students and equal benefits and opportunities for students.
1. Fair treatment of Students
Inspiritive will treat fairly:
All persons seeking to enrol with Inspiritive in a VET unit of study that meets the course requirements of the Graduate Certificate in NLP.
The application of fair treatment does not require that all applicants and students be treated the same. Fairness must be considered in the context of all the relevant circumstances. There are clearly situations in which the fair treatment of students will result in students in different circumstances being treated differently.
2. Equal Benefits and Opportunities
Inspiritive will ensure that it maintains and adheres to open, fair and transparent procedures that, in Inspiritive’s view are based on merit for the making of decisions in relation to the selection, from among the persons who are, or would be, entitled to seek to enrol with the College in a VET unit of study that meets the requirements of persons to enrol.
3. Application of Merit
The application of merit in decision-making processes would generally be expected to involve Inspiritive considering each application on a case by case basis and not applying inflexibly policies that preclude eligible applicants from having their application considered.
5. Educational Disadvantage
When making decisions about the selection of students, the Inspiritive is able to take educational disadvantages that a particular student has experienced into account. This should involve consideration of the actual disadvantages that a particular student has experienced. As a provider, Inspiritive should not use ‘proxy indicators’ of educational disadvantage in the absence of clear evidence that all students in such a group necessarily suffered educational disadvantage. Such proxy indicators should not be used because they assume that all people who satisfy the proxy condition (eg. being from a low income group or being from a rural area) have necessarily experienced educational disadvantage. A provider is required to consider a particular student’s specific circumstances before making a decision about whether the student has actually suffered educational disadvantage.
6. Restricted access arrangement
When making decisions about the selection of students, a provider is able to take into account students that are enrolled under a restricted access arrangement [VET Provider Guidelines 5.10.5]. A restricted access arrangement is an agreement entered into between a provider and an employer or industry body for the provision of a course(s) or places in a course(s) in which enrolment is limited or restricted to employees of the employer or industry body.
The Managing Director of Inspiritive is Chris Collingwood and Jules Collingwood is the other Director, Both directors are responsible for RTO Compliance and curricula. Jules is the point of contact for questions on Inspiritive’s policies.
Inspiritive reserves the right to contract the services of NLP trainers who demonstrate excellence in the skills, epistemological knowledge and recognition of the value of training the whole NLP syllabus using the principles and training methodology of the New Code of NLP. In addition any trainer working on any Nationally Accredited Training program offered by Inspiritive will hold the qualification to be offered and at least Certificate IV in Training and Assessment or its equivalent.
Inspiritive has no licensees providing any of its programs. Only Registered Training Organisations may apply to become licensees of Inspiritive’s Commercial in Confidence Nationally Accredited Training programs.
Inspiritive reserves the right to authorise a limited number of NLP trainers to teach some or all units of 10970NAT Graduate Certificate in Neuro-linguistic Programming for and on behalf of Inspiritive from time to time in different geographical locations without the presence of Inspiritive staff. To acquire Inspiritive’s authority a trainer must first satisfy the directors of Inspiritive that the trainer demonstrates excellence in the skills, epistemological knowledge and recognition of the value of training the whole NLP syllabus using the principles and training methodology of the New Code of NLP as described in “Whispering in the Wind” by Carmen Bostic St Clair and John Grinder and promulgated as policy by Inspiritive.
Trainers who meet the above criteria and agree to the terms and conditions in the Authorisation to Train document and its associated documents may at the discretion of the directors of Inspiritive be authorised to offer the Graduate Certificate in a specified geographical area for a period of time.
Assessment of 10970NAT and all other Inspiritive programs will be by Inspiritive Trainers
The Authority to Train units of 10970NAT Graduate Certificate in Neuro-Linguistic Programming authorises a named person to train the program only. Inspiritive reserves the right to provide all assessment instruments, methods, tasks and activities and conduct all assessments of students undertaking the Graduate Certificate in NLP and or seeking RPL for any units of the Graduate Certificate in NLP.
Inspiritive undertakes to provide any person other than Chris or Jules Collingwood who is assessing students for and on behalf of Inspiritive with a letter of authority on Inspiritive letterhead signed by a director of Inspiritive. The letter will include the assessor’s name and qualifications, the training program to be assessed and the dates and location of the assessment.
This policy/procedure supports the VET Quality Framework, and ensures that relevant information is gained from and given to students prior to their course commencing or participating in any classes.
1. Pre-Enrolment information:
Each potential student will be able to access to a Course Outline Brochure and Student Information Handbook prior to enrolment to ensure an informed decision can be made to study with Inspiritive. The Course Outline Brochure must contain the following topics:
The Student Information Handbook must contain information on:
The Course Outline Brochures and Student Information Handbook may be distributed to prospective clients/ students by the means of:
2. Enrolment Form
All students must complete an enrolment form to confirm their enrolment.
The Enrolment Form shall contain as a minimum the following information:
3. Records
The signed Enrolment Form will be kept on the student’s file along with all other documents relevant to the student’s enrolment.
Any original documents submitted as part of the enrolment process will be copied and maintained on the student file. All originals will be returned to the student.
Inspiritive is a responsive provider of high quality training. Usually the training it delivers occurs on the premises of its clients or in high quality leased premises. Inspiritive rarely trains at its offices. Although Inspiritive operates in a range of settings it will:
Comply with all laws relevant to the operation of training premises including occupational health and safety, equal opportunity, anti-discrimination, privacy and fire safety regulations.
Ensure the training premises are of adequate size and have adequate heating, cooling, lighting, ventilation and access.
Ensure the training facilities, furniture, equipment and other resource materials are adequate for the Scope of Registration and are maintained in good order and repair.
Ensure that training facilities have adequate washrooms for men and women and that these are maintained in good order and repair.
Ensure that where refreshments are provided, these are served in a timely manner in appropriate quantity and good quality.
“The action or practice of plagiarizing; the taking and using as one’s own of the thoughts, writings or inventions of another”
– The Shorter OED, 1992, OUP, Oxford
Plagiarism is the act of taking another person or organisation’s intellectual property and using it as if it were one’s own work. This includes copying word for word into a written, spoken or audio visual medium without referencing the source. It also includes claiming other people’s discoveries, processes, concepts as one’s own.
Inspiritive has a policy of:
Responding to proven plagiarism in any participant’s written work with refusal to certify that individual at any level of NLP training and reservation of the right to inform any relevant authority (including but not limited to law enforcement agencies, academic institutions, government departments) that plagiarism has been committed by that individual; such information to be supported by documentary evidence.Referencing is a means for readers, listeners, observers to discover for themselves any sources quoted in any text, tape, or other reproductive medium of information transfer disseminated by Inspiritive or its agents or employees or required of its students in their assessment activities for obtaining a qualification in NLP.
Inspiritive requires referencing for all quotations and references to others’ work to ensure:
References should include:
Inspiritive is committed to the full and accurate disclosure of information to its clients and prospective clients. It is also aware that, in common with all businesses, it must comply with the requirements of Trade Practices Law. It will, therefore:
Inspiritive will:
Advise prospective students of its accredited courses and new Inspiritive staff of:
a. Its Scope of Registration
b. Application processes and selection criteria (if appropriate, noting that some students are nominated by organisations as part of in house programs)
c. Fees and costs involved in undertaking training
d. Qualifications, and / or Statements of Attainment to be issued on completion or partial completion of courses
e. Competencies to be achieved during training
f. Assessment procedures including RPL
g. Grievance management procedure
h. Facilities and equipment
i. Student support services, as appropriate.
Recruit students at all times in an ethical and responsible manner consistent with the requirements of courses.
Ensure that application and selection processes for students, staff and subcontractors are explicit and defensible and equity and access principles are observed.
Recruit staff and subcontractors for Inspiritive at all times in an ethical and responsible manner consistent with the requirements of a Registered Training Organisation and the office for which they are being recruited.
This Policy & Procedure supports the AQTF 2010 standards in ensuring Inspiritive Pty Ltd is delivering quality training and assessment and is able to adapt to client needs as required. It is also able to ensure that the RTO is able to act is a responsive manner to all identified issues and areas of concerns. It provides a range of systems and processes to ensure that all stakeholders of the RTO are able to contribute to the development and improvement across the Registered Training Organisation.
Inspiritive Pty Ltd is committed to ensuring it is able to provide quality training and assessment services, ensure compliance, and effectively react to changing customer needs, compliance requirements, and feedback from stakeholders. The RTO will ensure that all staff are actively and regularly involved in formal meetings to provide relevant information and support to staff and allow staff the opportunity to suggest improvements and identify areas of concern.
The following activities are undertaken to ensure all staff are involved in the continuous improvement and quality process.
2.1 Management / Staff Meetings
The Quality Management process is ultimately managed by the CEO and implemented by the Training Manager.
Management Meetings:
Management meetings are held MONTHLY and will follow a set agenda and will minutes will be generated at the completion of the meeting. The Management meetings are attended by:
Topics discussed:
Trainers Meetings:
Trainer meetings are held each FORTNIGHT and will follow a set agenda and will minutes will be generated at the completion of the meeting. These meetings are to be chaired by the Training Manager and follow a set agenda and minutes are to be taken and recorded appropriately. All trainers / assessors will have the opportunity to raise any concerns and be informed of issues relating to the RTO operations. The Training Manager will keep all trainers informed and updated on related training issues and include the following topics:
2.2 Feedback:
Feedback is gained from the following stakeholders:
Feedback is gained through a variety of methods, as follows:
Student Feedback
Students are encouraged to bring any issues of concern they may have to the attention of appropriate staff as soon as possible. This ensures the ability for the RTO to address any immediate areas of concern.
Feedback shall be gained from the student at various points throughout the program at an informal level. The RTO shall also conduct formal feedback at 2 occasions throughout the student course – midpoint and completion.
Midpoint Feedback: At the midpoint of the student’s course of study, the students will be asked to complete a ‘Midpoint Feedback survey’. This allows the RTO to ensure that the student is satisfied with the services that the RTO is providing and that they are receiving the services outlined in their enrolment information.
The Midpoint Feedback Form will administered by Student Administration and the relevant trainer / assessor. Completed surveys are to be submitted to the Student Administration Department.
A summary of the feedback collected is to be presented for review through the Trainer Meetings and Senior Management Meetings where required action can be determined.
Completion Feedback:
Students are also asked to complete a ‘Learner Questionnaire’ upon completion of their course of study. This evaluation requests feedback across a range of aspects including:
Course content
Course delivery
Course assessment
Training Staff
The ‘Learner Questionnaire’ form is completed by the students and submitted to the Student Administration Department either directly or via a Trainer/Assessor. The data is entered into the online Survey Management, Analysis and Reporting Tool (SMART) in accordance with AQTF Quality Indicators requirements. From the data entry of the results of the ‘Learner Questionnaires’ reports will be run for analysis and evaluation in the Quarterly Review Meetings, which is conducted as part of this Quality Management Policy and Procedure.
Employer Feedback
Feedback from employers will be used to obtain information on the quality of training and assessment being administered to their staff by the RTO. The views of the employer will provide a perspective on the quality and outcomes of the training, and will be utilised to support continuous improvement activities and to build and manage relationships with the employers.
The “Employer Questionnaire’ form is completed by the employers and submitted to the Student Administration Department either directly or via a Trainer/ Assessor. The data is entered into the online Survey Management, Analysis and Reporting Tool (SMART) in accordance with AQTF Quality Indicators requirements. From the data entry of the results of the ‘Employer Questionnaires’ reports will be run for analysis and evaluation in the Quarterly Review Meetings, which is conducted as part of this Quality Management Policy and Procedure.
Staff Feedback
Feedback is sought from Staff on the effectiveness and efficiency of insert RTO name policies, procedures and service delivery. This feedback shall be gained through divisional/team meetings, performance appraisals and informal discussions.
Staff meetings are held regularly, where Staff are encouraged to provide feedback or suggestions on all aspects of insert Inspiritive Pty Ltd operation as an RTO. The meetings will have planned agendas with minutes taken and action required will be delegated and noted.
Staff are asked to complete a ‘Annual Staff Evaluation’ form as part of the RTO’s Staff Performance Review process. This feedback form asks Staff to review and evaluate the processes and practices implemented by Inspiritive Pty Ltd and identify areas for improvement. This information is then reported at ‘RTO Annual Review Meeting’.
2.3 Audits / Reviews
Internal AQTF Audit
The Training Manger shall ensure that at least ANNUALLY an Internal Audit is conducted to ensure the RTO is maintaining compliance against the AQTF standards. The Audit shall identify areas of risk in the Learning and Assessment processes, policy & procedure issues and breaches, and general areas of improvement throughout the RTO operations. This audit should occur prior to the management review meeting to ensure that any issues identified may be addressed through the Management Review.
The audit is to be documented through a checklist (refer to VRQA website and Auditors handbook) and report of any recommended courses of action to improve the practices and processes that were reviewed. Where an external consultant is employed to complete this task the checklist and report will vary but must be related to the current AQTF standards.
RTO AQTF Quarterly Review
At least QUARTERLY a review will take place which will include the key personnel of the RTO including at least:
Training Manager
Training Coordinators
Training Administration Coordinator
Representation from Trainers and Assessors
A ‘Quarterly Review Schedule’ is to be followed which identifies specific areas to be reviewed each quarter. Following the schedule will ensure that all AQTF standards and Conditions of Registration are reviewed. The Quarterly Reviews shall take place with an agenda that details the order that areas shall be reviewed.
2.4 Academic Board
To maintain and improve the quality of the RTO’s education processes and outcomes the RTO has established an ‘Academic Board’. This Academic board is to meet on a regular basis and is has a documented ‘Terms of Reference’
Membership of the Academic Board will consist of:
Voting Members Identify 4 people who can provide academic advice and who are independent of ownership or employment of the College. Non-Voting Members, Chief Executive Officer, List other staff members who will attend but will not vote.
The purpose of this Academic board is to complete the following:
The monitoring of policies and procedures relating to the provision and reporting of training and assessment services including enrolment processes, delivery and assessment processes, recording processes, student progression, RPL and Credit transfer processes, issuing of qualifications processes, and quality management policies and procedures.
The oversight of implementation of processes related to validation and moderation requirements.
The review and evaluation of academic quality assurance processes for course materials used for delivery and assessment purposes.
The oversight and review of procedures for handling appeals/complaints related to academic matters.
The implementation of planning processes for changes to training and assessment processes or materials. This includes approval of any new materials to be introduced.
The Academic Board must follow the ‘Terms of Reference’ and all meetings are to be documented with agenda’s and minutes.
2.5 Validation of Training & Assessment Material
The RTO shall undertake Validation activities to identify areas for improvement in assessment instruments. See Validation Policy and Procedure for details.
2.6 Continuous Improvement Action Request
In completing any of the above quality processes there may be identified areas that require improvement or follow up action to be taken to ensure compliance is achieved. This improvement may be a small improvement such as a change in a document or a large scale improvement such as revising an assessment approach. Where an improvement requires a structured approach to the development, implementation, and management of the improvement, or the issue cannot be addressed immediately, an ‘Action Request Form’ should be completed by the Training Manager.
Where a required improvement has been identified, an ‘Action Request’ forms. This will identify the improvement required, how this will be implemented, and track the progress of implementation.
The form will be reviewed by the Training Manager, who will review the action request in the Trainer’s Meetings. During the meeting the Training Manager shall allocate required tasks as appropriate to the action request to ensure appropriate implementation can occur. The Action Request form and records of any related activities to investigate, review, or implement the action request are to be attached and filed within the continuous improvement folder.
The fees for each unit of the Graduate Certificate in NLP are due in full in advance of commencement of that unit.
To apply for your place on the Graduate Certificate in NLP, a non-refundable application fee of $100 must be tendered with your application form. This application fee covers processing and verifying the application and will not form part of the tuition fees for the program. Payment may be made by credit card, electronic transfer or Paypal.
This is a GST free supply.
Fees will be invoiced and may be paid by credit card, electronic transfer (preferred) or via Paypal. Account details are located at the bottom of each invoice.
In most cases if the course fee is more than $1,500 students pay for their course in instalments of up to $1,500 per month. If a business is paying for the course, we can accept larger monthly instalments or payment in full.
Fees are payable when a student has received a confirmation of enrolment and always in advance of each Unit. The initial fee payment must be paid prior to commencing training or within 10 days of receiving an invoice from Inspiritive.
Inspiritive may discontinue training if fees are not paid as required. For a full list of current fees and charges please request a copy of Inspiritive’s schedule of fees and charges.
Students of the Graduate Certificate in NLP may apply for assessment only, if they have attended or completed one or more units in the previous four years and wish to establish currency or complete an assessment in those units.
RPL applicants may apply for assessment only without attending training as part of the Recognition of Prior Learning process.
If the assessment indicates a need for further training in that unit, students and RPL candidates may attend and complete the unit one time for the current fee minus the assessment fee.
The assessment fee for one unit of 10970NAT Graduate Certificate in NLP is $500.00 in 2023 when the tuition fee is waived.
All Inspiritive products and services have published fees. Each published fee relates directly to one place on the product or service to which it applies. In the interests of equity for all participants, it is company policy to adhere to the published prices for all offerings.
As a commercial provider, Inspiritive will have a well-publicised fee refund policy for domestic and other students. The conditions for granting refunds must be made clear to students at the time of formal application for enrolment. The fee refund process must be prompt, easily understood and readily accessible to students. The policy states that:
There is a surcharge of 2% payable for all credit card and Paypal payments to offset fees charged by these institutions. Inspiritive recommends use of direct credit/EFT to Inspiritive’s account to avoid the surcharge. Bank details are provided on invoices.
Inspiritive reserves the right to change the fees for its products and services from time to time. Such changes will occur at new year or new Australian financial year where practicable. Revised fees will be published immediately and will identify a commencement date for the new fee, which will supersede all previous published fees for that program or service. All units, programs and services commencing on or after the date of a change of fee will be subject to the revised fee.
Where an enrolment has been made to attend a course on specific dates and the student defers to a date that falls after a change in fees, the revised fee will be applicable. Where an enrolment spans periods before and after a change in fees, the fees will be the fees payable on the dates the service is provided. For example, a student enrols in 10970NAT Graduate Certificate in NLP in 2022 and attends four units in 2016 and four units in 2023. The fees for the first four units will be the current fees for 2022 and the fees for the second four units will be the current fees for 2023.
All Inspiritive programs are full fee paying courses. There are no concessional rates available to anyone attending any Inspiritive program for the first time.
Past students of Inspiritive are invited to review any Inspiritive program which they have already completed satisfactorily subject to the following exceptions and conditions:
This offer applies to programs taught exclusively by Inspiritive trainers and is at the discretion of the trainer. This offer applies to students who have completed all requirements of the Unit within the previous four years. Students seeking assessment or reassessment to complete the unit or maintain currency may be invited to review the unit under this provision before commencing assessment.
Seminars taught by guest experts are not included in this offer and will be available to all qualified interested persons on the published terms.
Repeating students must let Inspiritive know of their request to return with at least two weeks notice by email or telephone and
Inspiritive has a policy of keeping all students’ monies from payments made in advance of a course or programme in a trust account which is separate from and unavailable to the main bank accounts. All students’ monies will remain in the trust account until six weeks prior to any course or program for which payment in advance is obtained.
Inspiritive Pty Ltd is committed to protecting employee and client privacy and confidentiality in line with State and Federal Privacy legislation. This policy focuses on Inspiritive’s commitment to protecting the privacy of its students, and outlines the various ways in which it ensures this protection. For the purpose of this policy personal information is described as follows: Personal information Is information or an opinion that identifies an individual or allows their identity to be readily identified from such information. It includes but is not limited to information such as a person’s name, address, financial information, marital status or billing details.
2.1 Collection of personal information
Inspiritive will collect personal information from staff in order to obtain the information required to meet employment, legal and taxation obligations.
Information collected includes general personal details, and may include details of any disability or health issue that may affect the staff member’s ability to meet the requirements of their position.
The RTO is required to collect personal information from students in order to process enrolments and obtain the information required to provide suitable training and assessment services. Where applicable information may also be required to comply with AVETMISS standards as specified by government regulators.
Information collected includes general personal details, and may include details of any disability or health issue that may affect the student’s ability to undertake training and/or assessment activities.
The RTO will only collect personal information that is required for the purposes of employment or education, or in meeting government reporting requirements.
The RTO collects all personal information in writing, either from an employment application and personal details form, or an enrolment form, directly from the person whom the information is about. (Where applicable information may be collected from the parent or guardian of a student under the age of 18.)
2.2 Use and disclosure of personal information
The RTO uses personal information of its staff for the purposes of meeting employment requirements including payroll, superannuation and taxation.
The RTO uses personal information of its students for the purposes of meeting VET requirements for the awarding of national qualifications, and to comply with reporting requirements where relevant, as specified by government regulators.
Personal information as collected through the enrolment form or through other means will be passed on to government regulators as per legal data collection requirements. This personal information may also be accessed for the purposes of an audit by the ASQA.
Personal information will not be used in any way other than those outlined in this policy, and any other ways that might reasonably be expected.
2.3 Access to personal information
It is a policy of the RTO to allow access to personal files at any time to the person to whom those files relate, upon written request.
Staff and students may access their files by submitting their written application to Student Administration.
2.4 Storage and security of personal information
The RTO will take all reasonable steps to maintain the privacy and security of personal information.
Information stored electronically is kept on a secure server and access is restricted to authorised employees. This server is regularly backed up and kept in a secure location.
Paper-based documents containing personal information are in a locked filing cabinet and held within a secure area within the RTO premises.
Where documents are required to be transferred to another location, personal information is transported securely in an envelope, folder or document bag.
Reasonable steps will be taken to destroy or permanently dis-identify personal information when it is no longer required for any purpose.
Student information will be kept electronically for 30 years.
2.5 Confidential Information
The RTO will make all reasonable efforts to protect confidential information received from clients or partner organisations during the course of business operations. This information will not be disclosed without the prior consent of the client or partner organisation.
2.6 Privacy Statement
A privacy statement is available for all persons in contact with the Inspiritive to identify the way in which personal information is handled by the RTO. (Appendix A)
Appendix A:
Inspiritive Pty Ltd is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information.
This statement explains how we handle your personal information. This statement only applies to our databases and files and does not cover any State, Territory or Commonwealth Government database or file. You are advised to contact the relevant government agency for a copy of their privacy policy.
Where we use the words ‘we’ and ‘us’ in this document, it means Inspiritive Pty Ltd.
Your Personal Information
In order to provide you with training, employment and associated services, we may need to collect personal information such as your name, address, work history, qualifications, job seeker identification number, government benefit card, etc.
If you decline to provide your personal information, Inspiritive Pty Ltd may not be able to:
provide the product or service you requested, or
enter into a business relationship with you.
Collection of personal information
Where practicable, we will endeavour to collect personal information directly from you.
Where services are provided on behalf of a Commonwealth and/or State Government Department, we may collect personal information from such government departments and agencies.
We may also need to collect personal information from other third parties with or without your direct involvement or consent, such as an employer. However, this will not include sensitive information.
Use and disclosure
We will use our best efforts to ensure that the information you provide to us remains private and is used only for the purposes you agree to.
We will only disclose personal information to a third party where one or more of the following apply:
You can access the personal information we hold on you, except when government legislation requires or authorises the refusal of access.
To access your personal information, you will need to contact the Student Administration department in writing and specify the type/s of information you wish to view. You will be required to provide proof of identification.
Storage & Security
We will take reasonable steps to maintain the privacy and security of personal information. We ensure this by having such security measures as:
Storing electronic information on a secure server with restricted access
Storing paper-based documents securely on our premises
We will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently dis-identify personal information when it is no longer required for any purpose.
Resolving privacy concerns
If you wish to raise a concern about a privacy matter should contact the Student Administrations Department.
As a registered training organisation, Inspiritive is required to have a policy on providing welfare services and client support to clients and students.
Students and clients with language, literacy and numeracy issues may, if they wish, be referred to suitable sources of tuition on these topics or to suitable professionals if their issue is one of learning difficulty.
Should any student or client express or demonstrate a need for welfare services, they may, if they wish, seek referral through Inspiritive to a suitable agency or professional with the required expertise to assist them. Students and clients will not be referred to any agency without their express request and consent.
Students and clients may, if they wish, take advantage of Inspiritive’s private consultations, counselling and coaching from the directors at preferential rates.
Inspiritive is not liable for any fees incurred by any student or client as a result of their taking up welfare or support services to whom they have been introduced by Inspiritive.
Inspiritive is not liable for the conduct of independent agencies to whom students or clients are introduced. While Inspiritive will use its best efforts to ensure the appropriateness of independent agencies, it does not guarantee the quality of any product or service, nor does any referral equal an endorsement of the organisation, product or service.
All students and RPL candidates for 10970NAT Graduate Certificate in Neuro-Linguistic Programming will be subject to assessment of their competencies in terms of the required competencies described in the 10970NAT Graduate Certificate in Neuro-Linguistic Programming accreditation document (commercial in confidence). While students and RPL candidates are invited to agree to undertake assessment it is understood that without assessment by a qualified assessor there is no evidence on which to award a statement of attainment or a qualification. At the end of 10970NAT Graduate Certificate in Neuro-Linguistic Programming there are two days of practical integration and assessment, followed by a written evaluation to be completed within three months of the end of the training program. Candidates for Part 2 will be assessed on their modelling projects as well as the written integration. RPL candidates for Part 1 will attend an interview in person or by telephone and complete a questionnaire to establish the likelihood of their meeting the criteria for the unit(s) for which they seek RPL. Subject to satisfactory evidence they will be invited to join the Part 1 assessment days by arrangement and subject to satisfactory performance will complete the written evaluation. The assessment instruments are code congruent with the training provided by Inspiritive. That is:
These are performed in pairs with each participant taking a turn in each role. Information is gathered and interventions are designed. Interventions for Part 1 are checked by a trainer or coach before they are performed.
Revision and assessment exercises from the level under assessment are chosen at random and performed in pairs or trios. Opportunities are provided for individual participants to experience specific revision pieces.
In the assessment exercises and complete piece of work it is assumed that as consultants, participants will
In the assessment exercises and complete piece of work it is assumed that as “clients”, participants will choose an outcome or content area to work with that they believe to be appropriate for the exercise and skill level of their partner,
Inspiritive is responsible as a Registered Training Organisation under the Australian Skills and Qualifications Authority to comply with all relevant Federal, State and Territory legislation and regulatory requirements for New South Wales as main address and any other state or territory in which Inspiritive conducts its business as an RTO.
This includes but is not limited to the;
For access to Acts and Bills from all Australian jurisdictions see
For access to Dept of Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business Legal Issues Guide for Small Business see
For access to Occupational Health and Safety legal obligations see
For state legislative and regulatory requirements see the following web sites:
New South Wales:
Western Australia:
South Australia:
Northern Territory:
Inspiritive is committed to high quality course delivery and will:
This code of conduct is published in order to give students notice of general conduct which is prohibited. It is not an exhaustive list of misconduct. For example, Inspiritive rules, policies and other codes of conduct published by Inspiritive may specify other behaviour which will be misconduct.
Students are accountable for their misconduct. Any misconduct may be subject to disciplinary action by Inspiritive under its student disciplinary policy.
It is a student’s responsibility to be familiar with this code of conduct and other behaviour standards required by Inspiritive.
Compliance with this code of conduct is a policy of Inspiritive. It is binding on all students.
Guiding Principles
Inspiritive by publishing this code of conduct seeks to provide an environment that:
A student must not intentionally or recklessly:
Disruption and harm
(iii) doing anything which disturbs the peace;
(e) do anything which may bring Inspiritive into disrepute including by making or publishing false or misleading statements relating to Inspiritive;
(f) engage in any dishonest behaviour including by:
Breach of rights
(A) (1) the alleged misconduct or unlawful conduct is trivial; or
(2) the allegation is made without reasonable grounds; and (B) the allegation is made or pursued to harass or annoy, cause delay
or detriment to another person or for another ulterior purpose;
Alcohol and drugs
(u) (i) damage, destroy, endanger, vandalise, put at risk, pollute or obstruct; or
(ii) hinder, disrupt or otherwise interfere with the operation or availability of,
any Inspiritive property or any property of any member of Inspiritive community or any associate of Inspiritive;
(bb) obstruct any Inspiritive representative in the performance of his or her duties;
(cc) do anything on Inspiritive premises which is unlawful in New South Wales or, if done outside of New South Wales, would be unlawful if it was done in New South Wales;
(dd) (i) either: (A) drive a motor vehicle; or
(B) occupy the driving seat of a motor vehicle and attempt to put the motor vehicle in motion,
whilst drunk;
(ee) breach any Inspiritive regulation;
(ff) breach any applicable standards of professional conduct; Disciplinary process (gg) without reasonable excuse fail to:
(hh) without reasonable excuse fail to co-operate with a person carrying out an investigation on behalf of Inspiritive, as directed;
(ii) incite, persuade, conspire with or assist any other person to engage in misconduct;
(jj) attempt or threaten to do anything which is misconduct;
(kk) be party to any cover-up of misconduct or the destruction, concealment, alteration or withholding of any evidence of misconduct or otherwise conceal the identity or whereabouts of any person who is alleged to have engaged in misconduct;
(ll) publish or display material which could be understood by a reasonable person as indicating that somebody intends to engage in misconduct.
Provisions independent
Each of the provisions set out above must be read separately and none of those provisions is limited by reference to or inference from any other of those provisions or any other Inspiritive regulation.
Unincorporated associations
The provisions of this code of conduct relating to misconduct apply in relation to an unincorporated association as if the association is a person.
Freedom of expression
Every member of Inspiritive community and associate of Inspiritive has a right to freedom of expression. It is not misconduct under this code of conduct for a person to exercise that right. This code of conduct must be interpreted in a manner which is consistent with that right.
Definitions and Interpretation
In this code of conduct the following definitions apply. “academic exercise” means:
“alcohol” means a beverage which is reasonably believed, to contain more than 1.15% ethanol by volume at 20,°celsius and includes, beer, wine, spirits and premixed spirit based drinks;
“associate of Inspiritive”includes:
“bullying”means any unwelcome act directed at a person that:
and includes bullying either in person or via the internet, email or other electronic means;
“college” means any college of Inspiritive, office or training facilities of Inspiritive or used by Inspiritive.
“dishonesty” includes unethical behaviour;
“drug paraphernalia” means any drug equipment, products and materials which are used, intended for use or designed for use in:
“drunk” means in respect of a person, that:
“hazing” means any act which:
(a) (i) endangers or is likely to cause mental, emotional or physical harm to the person being hazed;
(b) relates to the initiation of, admission into, affiliation with or as a condition for continued membership of or affiliation with, a group or organization, and includes any assault, physical activity, exposure to the weather, forced consumption of any food, beverage or other substance or subjecting the person to mental stress by extended deprivation of sleep or rest, extended isolation or otherwise;
“illegal drug”means:
(a) a plant, drug or substance the possession, use or distribution of which is unlawful or, if only available on prescription for which the student does not have a prescription; and
(b) a substance the chemical structure of which is substantially similar to the chemical structure of an illegal drug and has a substantially similar effect to the illegal drug;
“improperly influence” means:
“intoxicating” includes stupefying;
“misconduct” means any conduct which is prohibited under this code of conduct or under any Inspiritive regulation and includes proposed misconduct;
“offensive” means in respect of any conduct or language, anything which a reasonable person would regard as offensive in the circumstances and includes, in the case of conduct or language directed at any person, anything which a reasonable person would consider insulting or humiliating in the circumstances;
“possession” of anything by a person includes that person being in control of that thing or it being in the vicinity of that person in circumstances where it is reasonable to assume that it has in the recent past been in that person’s possession or control;
“premises” means any:
“property” includes facilities, resources, equipment, intellectual property and online and physical infrastructure;
“public part of Inspiritive premises” means any part of Inspiritive premises that Inspiritive community is entitled to access (whether on payment of money, by virtue of membership of a student organisation or other body or otherwise) or which is within sight or hearing of such a place;
“race” includes:
“reckless” means in relation to any act by a person, that person doing that act despite the fact that he or she foresees or a reasonable person would foresee, the possible consequences of that act;
“religious belief or activity” means:
“right to freedom of expression” means the right of a person to lawfully say or do something reasonably and in good faith:
in the course of any statement, publication, discussion or debate made or held for any genuine academic, artistic or scientific purpose or any other genuine purpose in the public interest;
in the performance, exhibition or distribution of an artistic work; in making or publishing:
in making or publishing a fair and accurate criticism of or a complaint about Inspiritive or any member of Inspiritive community;
“sexual contact” means any touching of an erogenous zone of another person (including the inner thigh, buttocks, pubic region or, if the person is a female, breasts), either directly or through clothing or by causing anything to touch such a zone;
“sexual harassment” means a person:
“stalking” means a course of unwelcome conduct that is directed at a person and that would cause a reasonable person in the circumstances to be seriously alarmed, annoyed, distressed or feel harassed and includes:
“student” includes:
“student organisation” means any incorporated or unincorporated association or group of persons the majority of whom are students:
“Inspiritive” means:
“Inspiritive activities” means the activities of Inspiritive, any student organisation or any member of Inspiritive community including:
“Inspiritive community” means collectively the:
“Inspiritive premises” includes:
“Inspiritive property” means any facility, resource or property which is:
and includes any Inspiritive premises;
“Inspiritive regulation” means a rule, policy or code of conduct published by Inspiritive and intended by Inspiritive to be binding on students;
“Inspiritive representative” means any officer, employee, contractor or agent of Inspiritive or any employer or subcontractor of a contractor to Inspiritive who:
“vilify” means engage in conduct that incites hatred against, serious contempt for or revulsion or severe ridicule of, a person;
“weapon” means any object or substance designed to wound, cause injury or incapacitate including any firearm, ammunition, pellet gun, spear, sword, knife or other blade, stun gun and any chemicals such as capsicum spray, Mace or tear gas.
This code of conduct applies in any context relevant to:
and includes any conduct:
(i) a student is acting as or identifies himself or herself or is otherwise readily identifiable as being a member of the
Inspiritive community (including where a student is representing Inspiritive or a student organisation in any capacity); or
(ii) any act affects a person acting as or who identifies himself or herself as being a member of Inspiritive community or is otherwise readily identifiable as a member of Inspiritive community.
Broad interpretation
This code of conduct must be interpreted broadly and as operating to the full extent of, but so as not to exceed, the powers of Inspiritive.
If any part of this code of conduct or the application of any part to any person, subject matter or circumstance, would, but for this provision, be interpreted as exceeding the powers of Inspiritive:
Inclusive wording
In this code of conduct:
A person consents to something if the person voluntarily gives his or her agreement to it.
Consent will be taken not to have been given by a person to another person if that other person has no reasonable grounds for believing that consent has been given. Any self-induced intoxication of that other person will not be taken into account in determining whether that other person has reasonable grounds for such a belief.
A person does not consent:
(c) if the person consents because of terror or threats of force (whether the terror is instilled in or the threats are against that person or another person); or
(d) if the person consents because the person is unlawfully detained.
A person who does not offer actual physical resistance to sexual contact is not, by reason only of that fact, to be regarded as consenting to that sexual contact.
This provision does not limit the grounds on which it may be established that a person does not consent.
A direction given to a student by an Inspiritive representative is reasonable if a reasonable person would consider it to be appropriate in all the circumstances and will be taken to be reasonable if it is a direction to a student to:
because the student is drunk or putting himself, herself or others at risk of harm.
A student will be taken to have intended misconduct if a person in the position of the student can reasonably be supposed to have intended that misconduct in the circumstances.
Contact Officer: Chris Collingwood, Director Inspiritive
Date Approved: 29th December 2015
Approval Authority: Board of Directors, Inspiritive Pty Ltd
Date of Commencement: 01/01/2016
This Policy & Procedure supports the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 in ensuring Inspiritive Pty Ltd is delivering quality training and assessment and is able to adapt to client needs as required. It is also able to ensure that the RTO is able to act is a responsive manner to all identified issues and areas of concerns.
It provides a range of systems and processes to ensure that all stakeholders of Inspiritive Pty Ltd are able to contribute to the development and improvement across the Registered Training Organisation.
Inspiritive Pty Ltd is committed to ensuring it is able to provide quality training and assessment services, ensure compliance, and effectively react to changing customer needs, compliance requirements, and feedback from stakeholders. The RTO will ensure that all staff are actively and regularly involved in formal meetings to provide relevant information and support to staff and allow staff the opportunity to suggest improvements and identify areas of concern.
The Quality Management process is ultimately managed by the CEO and implemented by the CEO.
The following activities are undertaken to ensure all staff are involved in the continuous improvement and quality processes.
2.1 RTO Meetings
RTO meetings are held MONTHLY and will follow a set agenda and will be minuted. The RTO meetings are attended by:
The minutes of these meetings will be reviewed by the CEO to ensure all activities of the RTO are monitored.
The meetings ensure that the current activities, requirements, and general overview of the RTO operations are undertaken and reported to the CEO through these meetings. Topics discussed:
2.2 Feedback:
Feedback is gained from the following stakeholders:
Feedback is gained through a variety of methods, as follows:
Student Feedback
Students are encouraged to bring any issues of concern they may have to the attention of appropriate staff as soon as possible. This ensures the ability for the RTO to address any immediate areas of concern.
Feedback shall be gained from the student at various points throughout the program at an informal level. The RTO shall also conduct formal feedback at two (2) occasions throughout the student course – midpoint and completion.
Midpoint Feedback:
At the midpoint of the student’s course of study, the students will be asked to complete a ‘Midpoint Feedback Survey’. This allows the RTO to ensure that the student is satisfied with the services that the RTO is providing and that they are receiving the services outlined in their enrolment information.
The Midpoint Feedback Form will administered by Student Administration Department and the relevant Trainer / Assessor. Completed surveys are to be submitted to the Student Administration Department.
A summary of the feedback collected is to be presented for review through the Trainer Meetings and Management Meetings / RTO Meetings where required action can be determined.
Completion Feedback:
Students are also asked to complete a ‘Learner Questionnaire- Completion Survey’ upon completion of their course of study.
The mandated ‘AQTF Learner Questionnaire’ questions are completed by the students. The data is collected and reported in accordance with the Ministerial Council’s requirements.
A summary of the feedback collected is to be presented for review through the RTO Meetings where required action can be determined.
The questions contained in the survey can be viewed in the ‘Learner Questionnaire Completion Survey’ Document.
Employer Feedback
Feedback from employers will be used to obtain information on the quality of training and assessment being administered to their staff by the RTO. The views of the employer will provide a perspective on the quality and outcomes of the training, and will be utilised to support continuous improvement activities and to build and manage relationships with the employers.
Once per calendar year, the mandated ‘Employer Questionnaire’ forms will be posted to a employers where the RTO has conducted training for their staff or where the RTO’s students have been engaged in work placement over the last 12 months. The form is completed by the employer and submitted to Administration either directly or via a Trainer & Assessor.
From the data entry of the results of the ‘Employer Questionnaires’ reports will be run for analysis and evaluation in the Quarterly Review Schedule , which is conducted as part of the Quality Management Policy and Procedure.
Staff Feedback
Feedback is sought from Staff on the effectiveness and efficiency of the RTO’s policies, procedures and service delivery. This feedback shall be gained through RTO Meetings, performance appraisals and informal discussions.
The RTO Meetings are held regularly, where staff are encouraged to provide feedback or suggestions on all aspects of the RTO’s operation as an RTO. The meetings will have planned agendas with minutes taken and action required will be delegated and noted.
Staff are asked to complete an ‘Annual RTO Evaluation’ form as part of the RTO’s Staff Performance Review process. This feedback form asks staff members to review and evaluate the processes and practices implemented by Inspiritive Pty Ltd and identify areas for improvement. Feedback from staff appraisals shall be reviewed by the CEO.
Where any changes are to be made as a consequence of feedback; the change(s) must be documented in the Continuous Improvement Register.
2.3 Audits / Reviews
Internal Audit
The CEO shall ensure that at least annually an Internal Audit is conducted to ensure the RTO is maintaining compliance against the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015.
The Audit shall identify areas of risk in the learning and assessment processes, policy & procedure issues and breaches, and general areas of improvement throughout the RTO operations. Any issues identified are to be addressed through the RTO meetings.
The audit is to be documented through a checklist and report of any recommended courses of action to improve the practices and processes that were reviewed. Where an external consultant is employed to complete this task the checklist and report will vary but must be related to the current Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015.
Quarterly Review
At least QUARTERLY a review will take place which will include the key personnel of the RTO including at least:
A ‘Quarterly Review Schedule’ is to be followed which identifies specific areas to be reviewed each quarter. Following the schedule will ensure that all Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 are reviewed annually.
Details, action and outcome of the review are to be documented on the Quarterly Review Schedule Document.
External Consultation
To maintain and improve the quality of the RTO’s education processes and outcomes the RTO will engage with external quality consultants when the CEO deems necessary.
2.4 Validation of Training & Assessment Material
The RTO shall undertake Validation activities to identify areas for improvement in assessment instruments. See Validation Policy and Procedure for details.
2.5 Continuous Improvement Register
In completing any of the above quality processes there may be identified areas that require improvement or follow up action to be taken to ensure compliance is achieved. This improvement may be a small improvement such as a change in a document or a large scale improvement such as revising an assessment approach. Where an improvement requires a structured approach to the development, implementation, and management of the improvement, or the issue cannot be addressed immediately, appropriate action will be planned and implemented as required. These processes will be managed and monitored through the RTO Meetings.
All continuous improvements to be implemented will be documented on the ‘Continuous Improvement Register.’ This is the responsibility of the CEO to ensure the register is current and implemented.
The ‘Continuous Improvement Register’ and records of any related activities to investigate, review, or implement the action request are to be attached and filed within the continuous improvement folder.
This policy & procedure supports the ASQA directive to collect and report data against the Quality Indicators (as currently found in the AQTF). Data Provision Requirement (DPR) 7 of the Data Provision Requirements 2012 requires ASQA RTOs to provide an annual summary report to ASQA against the quality indicators. The ASQA “General Direction’ ‘Quality Indicators’ (Released 24/04/12) and the NSSC Website (Quality Indicators for RTO’s) provide further guidance on these requirements.
This Policy and Procedure will ensure that Inspiritive Pty Ltd is able to meet these reporting requirements and also assist their continuous improvement processes to strengthen training and business performance. It is also able to assist the RTO be able to act in a responsive manner to all identified issues and areas of concerns.
2.1 Data Collection and Collation
Inspiritive Pty Ltd is committed to ensuring it is able to provide quality training and assessment services and will engage in seeking learner and employer feedback regularly.
The RTO will ensure that all students are actively encouraged to provide feedback on their experience in undertaking a course with Inspiritive Pty Ltd , and use the feedback to suggest improvements and identify areas of concern.
The following activities are undertaken to ensure that the Quality Indicators are being met and support the continuous improvement and quality process.
Learner Engagement
Inspiritive Pty Ltd must gain feedback from student’s using the ‘Learner Questionnaire‘ available from the Department of Industry (
The ‘Learner Questionnaire’ form is completed by all students upon completion of their course of study. The ‘Learner Engagement Questionnaire’ will be provided to students at the completion of their studies. Student Administration will issue a copy of the survey to each student when issuing a Statement of Attainment or Qualification.
All completed and returned surveys will be reviewed by the CEO. The results of these surveys will be collated into reports with a summary of all responses. These reports are to be reviewed by management at the RTO Meetings.
At the completion of each calendar year the CEO is required to collate all data for the year using the ‘ASQA Quality Indicator Annual Summary‘ form.
A copy of all completed Learner Engagement surveys will be maintained for a period of 12 months as evidence of the data collection process.
Employer Satisfaction
Inspiritive Pty Ltd must gain feedback from employers using the ‘Employer Questionnaire‘ available from the Department of Industry (
The ‘Employer Questionnaire’ form is completed by all employers once per year. At a set date each year (currently the 1st September) all employers currently engaged with Inspiritive Pty Ltd shall be sent the Employer Satisfaction Survey. These surveys will be collected and collated by the CEO.
All completed and returned surveys will be reviewed by the CEO. The results of these surveys will be collated into reports with a summary of all responses. These reports are to be reviewed by management at the RTO Meetings.
At the completion of each calendar year the CEO is required to collate all data for the year using the ‘ASQA Quality Indicator Annual Summary‘ form.
A copy of all completed Employer Engagement surveys will be maintained for a period of 12 months as evidence of the data collection process.
Competency Completion
Inspiritive Pty Ltd is required to provide ASQA details on the competency completion data. This data is to capture the number of enrolments and qualifications completed and units of competency awarded in the previous calendar year. This data from the previous calendar year includes:
The Competency Completion Online System (CCOS) is required to be used to report this data and it is the responsibility of the CEO to enter the data as required.
This information will be used by Inspiritive Pty Ltd to gauge how well client needs are being met and to identify areas for improvement on training and assessment services. The results will be discussed and reviewed at the first RTO Meeting of each calendar year.
2.2 Reporting Quality Indicators Data
All data must be reported to ASQA by the 30th June of the following calendar year and the CEO will be responsible for this reporting process.
Data must be submitted using the required forms as listed on the ASQA website Data Provision
The CEO must submit their quality indicator data reports in full to [email protected], by close of business on 30 June 2013.
A copy of all reports and emails shall be maintained in the ‘Quality Indicators Folder’.
This policy/procedure supports the RTO to provide a process for complaints and appeals to be heard and actioned. This includes any allegations involving the conduct of
All complaints and appeals received by Inspiritive Pty Ltd will be viewed as an opportunity for improvement.
Despite all efforts of Inspiritive Pty Ltd to provide satisfactory services to its students and clients, complaints may occasionally arise that require formal resolution. The following procedures provide students and clients the opportunity to have any issues relating to a substantiated complaint or appeal resolved and resolutions reached that attempt to satisfy all parties involved. This complaints and appeals process will be at no cost to the student or client (unless referred to a third party; see procedure for more details).
The complaints and appeals policy and procedure and applicable form is made available to all students, potential students, and clients by directly contacting the RTO, through the RTOs website, and within the student information handbook.
2.1 General Complaints
Where possible all non-formal attempts shall be made to resolve the issue. This may include advice, discussions, and general mediation in relation to the issue and the complainants issue. Any staff member can be involved in this informal process to resolve issues but once a complainant has placed a formal complaint / appeal the following procedures must be followed:
2.2 Appealing a Decision
All complainants have the right to appeal decisions made by Inspiritive Pty Ltd where reasonable grounds can be established. The areas in which a complainant may appeal a decision made by Inspiritive Pty Ltd may include:
General appeals
Assessment appeals
2.3 External Appeals and Further Information:
External Appeals:
In addition to the above internal processes, if students enrolled with Inspiritive Pty Ltd are still dissatisfied with the decision of the RTO, they may wish to seek legal advice or submit an application with an external dispute resolution process by a relevant body appointed for this purpose (See below for contact details).
Where the RTO is informed that the student has accessed external appeals processes:
The Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria (DSCV) is a free dispute resolution and mediation service funded by the Victorian Government and may be able to assist resolve any outstanding complaint or issue with the complaint handling process. Further details and office locations for this service are available from
Organisation: | Disputes Settlement Centre of Victoria ( |
Contact Point: | Melbourne Office:
Level 4, 456 Lonsdale Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Tel: 1300 372 888 Fax: 8684 1311 , |
Further information
If, after the RTO’s internal complaints and appeals processes have been completed, you still believe the RTO is breaching or has breached its legal requirements, you can submit a complaint to ASQA by completing the online complaint form:
(ASQA website: )
This policy has been developed to provide an overview of how the RTO will ensure compliance with all requirements as specified in the Standards for RTOs 2015, and legislative requirements.
The RTO will ensure compliance is maintained with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 and legislative requirements through the following methods:
This policy and procedure is to be used by Inspiritive Pty Ltd to ensure student assessments conducted meeting the Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence and meet the Standards for RTOs 2015 and relevant Training Package.
The assessment policy and procedure covers all assessments to be conducted for Nationally Recognised Training provided by Inspiritive Pty Ltd .
This policy and procedure is to be read in conjunction with the following documents:
Students applying for Recognition of Prior Learning or Credit Transfer (National Recognition) should refer to relevant policies and procedures.
2.1 Assessment Requirements (Principles of Assessment & Rules of Evidence)
Principles of Assessment
For an effective assessment system in a competency based environment, the following Principles of Assessment must be incorporated into the assessment process:
Fairness | The individual learners needs are considered in the assessment process.
Where appropriate, reasonable adjustments are applied by the RTO to take into account the individual learners needs. The RTO informs the learner about the assessment process, and provides the learner with the opportunity to challenge the result of the assessment and be reassessed if necessary. |
Flexibility | Assessment is flexible to the individual learner by:
Validity | Any assessment decision of the RTO is justified, based on the evidence of performance of the individual learner.
Validity requires:
Reliability | Evidence presented for assessment is consistently interpreted and assessment results are comparable irrespective of the assessor conducting the assessment.
Reliability requires:
Rules of Evidence
In addition to the above Principles of Assessment, the RTO must ensure that evidence of assessment is appropriate and meets the following Rules of Evidence when conducting assessments:
Validity | The assessor is assured that the learner has the skills, knowledge and attributes as described in the module or unit of competency and associated assessment requirements.
Validity of assessments will be ensured by the implementation of the following :
Sufficiency | The assessor is assured that the quality, quantity and relevance of the assessment evidence enables a judgement to be made of a learners competency.
Sufficiency of evidence will require that:
Authenticity | The assessor is assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the learner’s own work.
Inspiritive Pty Ltd will ensure that where the assessor does not observe the learner completing the assessment task, other measures will be implemented to confirm that the work was completed by the learner |
Currency | The assessor is assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current competency. This requires the assessment evidence to be from the present or the very recent past.
As a general rule, competencies that have not been demonstrated within the past 3 years are not usually accepted as “current”. Inspiritive Pty Ltd will ensure that all assessments are current, in that the evidence is prepared by the learner in response to specific questions and role plays. Where learners apply for RPL or credit transfer based on evidence which is more than 3 years old, additional evidence of current competency would be required in order to judge the learner as competent |
2.2 Assessment process and methods
Assessment is the process of collecting evidence and making a judgement on whether competency has been achieved as per the requirements of the training package. Inspiritive Pty Ltd has designated assessment materials developed for each Unit of Competency included on the Scope of Registration. All assessments are to be conducted in line with the documented assessment tasks and requirements.
In general terms assessment methods may include:
There may be a clustered assessment approach to some units where appropriate and all assessment arrangements and details of assessment requirements will be documented through the relevant Strategy for Training and Assessment and student / assessor instructions within the assessment documentation.
2.3 Development of Assessment Instruments
Inspiritive Pty Ltd will ensure that assessment instruments are available for each and every unit included in the Scope of Registration for the RTO. The CEO is required to ensure that assessment instruments are developed / purchased for each unit and that these assessment instruments meet the Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence as described above.
In developing assessment materials, Inspiritive Pty Ltd will ensure that:
In addition Inspiritive Pty Ltd ensures the sufficiency of evidence by means of the following:
2.4 Assessor Requirements
The role of an assessor is to objectively assess and judge a candidate’s evidence against a set of standards. In order to do this effectively, an assessor must have a sound knowledge of, and be skilled in, the relevant industry area, and meet the below assessor requirements.
Training and assessment may only be delivered by persons who have:
Assessors must also hold one of the following:
It is crucial that assessors always understand and practise fair, objective, unbiased and flexible assessment processes. Inspiritive Pty Ltd Assessors are encouraged to contribute to the assessment strategy development and conduct the assessment process cognisant to existing best practice and research in the relevant field.
2.5 Preparing the candidate for Assessment
All students must be informed of the assessment process prior to undertaking the assessment tasks. The assessor must ensure that any candidate undertaking assessment is provided the following:
2.6. Candidates with Special Needs and Reasonable adjustment
One fundamental principle of an assessment system is that each candidate must have access to fair and open assessment. Candidates with special needs should be offered the same opportunities as any other candidate.
As special needs extend to more than identified physical or learning difficulties, assessors will also need to consider the best approach when dealing with candidates with needs such as low literacy, lack of confidence or non-English speaking background (e.g. mature aged students, students from culturally and linguistically diverse background).
An assessor must take special needs into consideration when assessing and depending on any specification given in the standards/training and assessment strategies, the assessor may be able to accept alternative evidence from a candidate with special needs. Each training and assessment strategy will have allowable reasonable adjustment processes identified for the assessor. If there is uncertainty, the assessor should refer the matter to the RTO Manager
2.7. Use of simulation in assessment
Where simulation of the workplace is used, such simulations must match the real workplace context as closely as possible. In particular, they should provide an assessment environment that allows for the demonstration of the broad concept of competency, notably:
The validity of simulations depends very much on how accurately the simulation mirrors real life situations. Simulations include fully realistic mock ups and more simple recreations of the workplace environment that set up an event for the purposes of learning and/or assessment. They may either expect the assessee to act as they would in real life, or to act and talk their way through the process.
Simulations allow the assessor to stage the situation in a realistic manner but within defined and repeatable contexts. This allows the assessor to apply the same simulation, or the same base simulation with variations, to different assesses and/or to the same assessee over time.
Simulations must be:
When conducting and assessing simulations, it is recommended that:
When making a judgement about competence on the basis of evidence gained mainly through simulations as with any other assessment judgement the assessor will need to take account of both the wording and the spirit of the competency, its relationship with other units of competency and current workplace practices. In some instances, a Training Package may state that certain units of competency can only be assessed in an actual workplace setting.
2.8 Recording and Reporting the Assessment Decision
The assessor must:
2.9 Feedback on the Assessment Outcome
The assessor must provide advice to the candidate about the outcomes of the assessment process. This includes providing the candidate with:
2.10 Reassessment and appeals process
Where a student has undertaken an assessment and it has been marked as Not yet Competent (NYC), they may be allowed to re-sit the test/or have a re-assessment. Where a student has failed to satisfactorily answer a written assessment, the student will be required to complete a different assessment task. Where the assessment task involves observation either in a simulated environment or in the workplace, the student will be required to demonstrate the same skills as required in the first assessment task
If they are deemed NYC for a second time they are to re-enrol into that unit/ subject.
The assessor must:
This policy ensures that Inspiritive Pty Ltd will recognise the AQF Qualifications and Statement of Attainments issued by any other Registered Training Organisation.
The underlying principle of Nationally Recognised Training is that a student does not have to repeat training and assessment that has already been undertaken.
The RTO will ensure the following definition of Credit Transfer is implemented:
Credit Transfer: Credit transfer assesses the initial course or subject that an individual is using to claim access to, or the award of credit in, a destination course. The assessment determines the extent to which the client’s initial course or subject is equivalent to the required learning outcomes, competency outcomes, or standards in a qualification. This may include credit transfer based on formal learning that is outside the AQF.
2.1 General information for individuals
All prospective and enrolling individuals must be informed in either print or electronic form of the opportunity to apply for Credit Transfer. Students are informed of credit transfer process in the Student Information Handbook, and are asked to identify if they would like to apply for a Credit Transfer in the Enrolment Form. Individuals can apply for Credit Transfer at any time.
2.2 Student request for Credit Transfer
2.3 Assessment process
The assessment of all Credit Transfer Applications will be undertaken by the Training Manager. Any Credit Transfer applications received by Student Administration shall be passed to the Training Manager for assessment.
All Credit Transfer applications must be supported by the appropriate evidence. This may be in the form of Nationally Recognised Qualification or Statement of Attainment indicating exactly the same code and title as those included in the student application, or other documents of equivalence that are outside the AQF.
Where appropriate evidence is provided with the Credit Transfer application the Training Manager must grant the Credit Transfer. The Training Manager must complete the appropriate sections of the Credit Transfer Application form to identify if the application has been granted or not.
Where Credit Transfer is Granted this information will be communicated in writing to the applicant within 10 business days of completion of the assessment, and the Qualification / Statement of Attainment will then be issued or the training program adjusted accordingly.
Where Credit Transfer is Not Granted students will be notified in writing of the outcome within 10 business days of completion of the assessment. The written communication to the student is to including a reason for refusal (where applicable).
In all cases, a copy of the Credit Transfer documentation and verified copies of the relevant Qualification/ Statement of Attainment and outcome will be kept in the students file.
Credit Transfer
If you have any prior Nationally Recognised Certificates or Statements of Attainment completed within Australia, they may be eligible for Credit Transfer. You must be able to present an original certificate with competencies containing nationally recognised titles and codes. If any of these unit title and codes identically matches the units that you are enrolled, you will be granted a Credit Transfer for that particular unit.
Student Name:
Student Number:
Course Enrolled:
Date of application:
In the table below, list the units that you wish to apply for a Credit Transfer.
Unit Code | Unit Title | Evidence Supplied | CT Granted
(RTO to complete) |
Student Declaration
Original copies of all Certificates / Statements of Attainment have been provided to Inspiritive Pty Ltd to copy for the purposes of this Credit Transfer application and are original documents obtained through accredited training pathways.
Student name:
RTO Training Manager to complete: |
Yes The above application has been reviewed and outcomes indicated. All original Certificates/ Statements of Attainments have been sighted and are attached to this application. Training Manager name: Signature: Date |
This policy/procedure ensures that Inspiritive Pty Ltd provides appropriate information prior to enrolment that allows all potential students to make an informed decision to study with the RTO. It also ensures a consistent enrolment process will be implemented for all domestic students and that appropriate records will be maintained in all student files.
Inspiritive Pty Ltd will assess all potential student enrolment applications to ensure they meet the enrolment requirements of the course and to confirm their ability to complete the qualification.
The following procedure explains the process that is to be undertaken to enrol a student into a course of study. This process involves the student.
2.1 Pre-Enrolment information:
Students must be provided with the Student Handbook prior to enrolment. This document must contain information on:
Enrolment Form
All students must complete an enrolment form to confirm their enrolment. The Enrolment Form shall contain as a minimum the following information:
Pre- Training Review
The student is required to complete a LLN Activity to assess their language, literacy and numeracy ability to complete the course. This Activity forms part of the Pre- Training Review. This test will be assessed by a qualified Trainer and Assessor If the student cannot complete the LLN test satisfactorily then an LLN Report will be completed which includes the required action to be taken to assist the student to be able to complete the course. If the students academic issues are not able to be supported by the RTO internally, they will be recommended to the appropriate external support service.
Entry Requirements
All learners must meet the entry requirements for the course.
External Site Checklist
Where a course is to be completed at an external site, a College representative is required to visit the site to complete the relevant External Site Checklist. If the the representative deems that the workplace does not have the appropriate facilities, equipment and resources to meet the Training Package Requirements, then the student will not be able to complete the course enrolment, and the reasons will be identified to the student and the employer.
2.4 Unique Student Identifier
2.3 Records
This policy and procedure ensures that Inspiritive Pty Ltd is providing training and assessment services that meet industry needs and maximise learners’ opportunities for employment, advancement or further education.
Engaging with industry stakeholders (such as employers) is critical to ensuring training and assessment is aligned to current methods, technology, products and performance expectations for the workplace tasks specified in the training package or VET accredited course.
Inspiritive Pty Ltd will engage with relevant industry stakeholders for each industry area (& Qualifications) in order to:
Inspiritive Pty Ltd will identify relevant industry personnel or organisations who can provide the feedback on the training and assessment practices for each Industry area. A minimum of two (2) Industry Representatives must be consulted and engaged for each delivery and assessment program.
Industry Engagement may take place with the following people or organisations:
Inspiritive Pty Ltd will also ensure the collection of details about the Industry Representatives, such as:
Inspiritive Pty Ltd will undertake Industry Engagement by providing a range of information in relation to the training and assessment program to the industry representatives, and seek feedback as to the most appropriate method of providing the training and assessment program, achieve suitable industry outcomes, and trainer and assessor requirements to ensure industry relevance.
This information is to include (but not limited to) the following:
Engagement with industry may occur via face to face meetings, email, or other relevant medium to ensure industry engagement can be achieved.
To document this Industry engagement & consultation, the CEO will ensure industry representative’s feedback is documented. This may take the form of an ‘Industry Engagement Questionnaire’ or other relevant method that ensure the feedback can be maintained by the RTO.
In developing Training and Assessment Strategies and practices, Inspiritive Pty Ltd will seek input from the industry representatives in relation to:
All feedback received will be reviewed and where appropriate will be:
Ongoing Industry Engagement
To ensure the ongoing appropriateness of the training and assessment services being provided by Inspiritive Pty Ltd , Industry Engagement will be undertaken on an annual basis.
This annual review and engagement will identify:
This Policy & Procedure has been designed to ensure that Inspiritive Pty Ltd issues Qualifications and Statements of Attainment in accordance with the required standards and protocols in place. Inspiritive Pty Ltd will only issue AQF certification documentation to a learner whom it has assessed as meeting the requirements of the training product as specified in the relevant training package or VET accredited course.
The following procedure ensures that the required information and format is applied to all Qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by Inspiritive Pty Ltd .
All students are entitled to receive appropriate testamurs for the successful completion of any nationally recognised training.
Information to be included on Qualifications and Statements of Attainment
All Qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by Inspiritive Pty Ltd will comply with the requirements of the AQF (Australian Qualifications Framework) and the Standards for RTO’s 2015 (Schedule 5) current at the date of the issuing of the Qualification or Statement of Attainment.
The CEO is responsible for ensuring that Inspiritive Pty Ltd maintains the most current version of the following documents to ensure all testamurs contain the appropriate wording and information:
For information on the AQF Implementation Handbook see the Australian Qualifications Framework website for information:
For information on the Standards for RTOs 2015 see: Standards for RTO’s 2015
For more information on ASQA requirements of Issuing Qualifications and Statements of Attainment see ASQA website:
All testamurs must also use the NRT and AQF logos/ wording correctly.
For information on the NRT logo, see the: Nationally Recognised Training Logo specifications guide: ASQA NRT Logo specifications
For information on the AQF logo/ wording, see the: Conditions of use of the Australian Qualifications Framework Logo guide:
See Appendix A and Appendix B for the RTO Qualification and Statement of Attainment templates.
These templates have been incorporated into the Student Management System (VETTRAK) to allow testamurs to be printed directly from VETTRAK
Issuing of Qualifications and Statements of Attainment
Statement of Attainment:
Inspiritive Pty Ltd has a number of measures in place to prevent fraudulent copying or production of Qualifications / Statements of Attainment. All qualifications and Statements of Attainment shall include:
Quality Control and Record Keeping
Prior to printing a Qualification or Statement of Attainment the following steps must be completed by Student Administration.
The Student File must be checked to ensure all required paperwork is contained within the student file and the Student Management System is up to date. The student file must also be checked to ensure it contains all evidence of assessment and the student has successfully completed all Units of Competency that are included in the Qualification or Statement of Attainment.
The Qualification or Statement of Attainment must be issued a number and these details are to be recorded on the Student database (Insert database).
Administration is to issue a copy of the Qualification or Statement of Attainment by use of the database function to print the testamurs, and the use of the specific Qualification or Statement of Attainment paper.
Once CEO has authorised and signed the Qualification / Statement of Attainment, the Administration Manager will make a copy of the issued document and file it in the Student File.
Issuing duplicate Qualifications and Statements of Attainment
This policy/procedure supports the RTO’s requirement to provide accurate and ethical information in marketing and promotional materials. It ensures that all marketing materials developed by the RTO are authorised and checked for compliance prior to being implemented.
The following process ensures accuracy and integrity of all marketing and promotional materials that represent Inspiritive Pty Ltd and the training industry in general. It also ensures that all marketing materials and practices for Inspiritive Pty Ltd are authorised by an appropriate person within the RTO before implementation.
It also ensures that the Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) logo is only used in accordance with its conditions of use and all other appropriate logos and information is correctly included.
This person is currently the CEO and this responsibility is included within their position description.
Use of Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) logo
The Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) logo is a distinguishable mark of quality for promoting and certifying national vocational education and training leading to Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Certificates or Statements of Attainment.
The Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) logo must be shown on qualifications issued by registered
training organisations for nationally recognised training in compliance with the NRT Logo
The NRT logo cannot be used to promote non-accredited training.
The NRT logo must be shown on:
All Certificates and Statements of Attainment issued for the completion of Training Package Qualifications or Units of Competency
For information on the NRT logo, see the: Nationally Recognised Training Logo specifications guide: (
This policy has been developed to support the RTO to ensure learners receive training, assessment and support services that meet their individual needs. Inspiritive Pty Ltd has a range of processes in place to ensure that these individual needs can be identified and addressed. These processes include the following activities and these are all documented in individual policies and procedures.
Language, Literacy, and Numeracy (LLN) Test
Inspiritive Pty Ltd will review all enrolment applications to ensure entry requirements are being met prior to acceptance into a course. As part of the enrolment process students are required to complete a Language, Literacy, and Numeracy (LLN) test to ensure that the student has the ability to complete the course. This test will occur prior to course commencement and will be assessed by a qualified Trainer.
If the student cannot complete the LLN test satisfactorily then an LLN Report will be completed which includes the required action to be taken to assist the student to be able to complete the course. The LLN Report has the provision to schedule and document monitoring of the LLN areas of concern and to assist in the evaluation that recommended support has been adequate for the student.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
All students are encouraged to seek recognition for learning through RPL. Students are provided information about RPL in pre- enrolment information (Student Information Handbook) and again upon enrolment.
Student Support Services
Inspiritive Pty Ltd has a documented student support policy that ensures students have access to staff who can provide assistance and guidance to students. The student support services can also provide referrals to appropriate support organisations to assist the student with personal, workplace or academic issues that the RTO does not have the ability to support internally .The student support services are documented through policies and procedures and the Student Information Handbook. All students are provided information on student support services through the pre-enrolment and induction process.,
Reasonable Adjustment
There may be times and situations in which a student may require ‘reasonable adjustment’ of the training and assessment methods implemented by Inspiritive Pty Ltd to meet their specific individual needs. These individual student needs may include (but not limited to):
Reasonable adjustments to the way in which evidence of performance is gathered (e.g. in terms of the information to be provided to the candidate and the type of evidence to be collected from the candidate) can only occur where the adjustments do not alter the expected performance standards for learning and assessment.
The reasonable adjustments to the training and assessment process may include a variety of modifications to the methods of delivery and assessment to assist the student undertake the course. The adjustments may include actions such as:
Where a student requests or is identified as requiring reasonable adjustment to the training and assessment process a detailed training and assessment plan including timetables, notes regarding the required adjustments, and any related communications regarding the adjustments must be maintained in the student file.
The CEO must review and authorise any request for ‘reasonable adjustment’ to ensure that any adjustments and resulting outcomes are not affecting the integrity of the training and assessment process.
Monitoring and improving learning, assessment and support services
Students are required to undertake a mid-point review process that gives students the opportunity to provide feedback on whether the training and assessment services (and support services if accessed) provided are meeting expectations, individual needs, and outcome requirements. This process is documented and all feedback reviewed in RTO Meetings and Management Meetings to identify any areas for improvement.
Strategies for Training and Assessment
The strategies for training and assessment have been developed in line with Training Package requirements and in consultation with industry. This includes the consideration for specific industry groups in the delivery and assessment arrangements and also includes all strategies in place within the RTO to ensure that students receive training and assessment services to meet their individual needs.
Qualified Trainers and Assessors
All Trainers and Assessors employed by Inspiritive Pty Ltd are required to demonstrate appropriate vocational competence in relevant areas of training and assessment to ensure quality services are provided to all students.
This policy/procedure supports the requirement for Inspiritive Pty Ltd to report significant changes in its control, management or operations to Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) and other relevant regulatory agencies.
The following procedure ensures that information on any relevant changes to the ownership or management structure is provided to ASQA within adequate timelines.
(NB: A person holding a high managerial position means an employee, agent or officer of the provider with duties of such responsibility that his or her conduct may fairly be assumed to represent the provider in dealings with the regulatory body.)
This policy is designed to ensure that Inspiritive Pty Ltd is able to effectively manage administrative, record management and reporting requirements in accordance with the requirements of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015.
This policy and procedure applies to administration, records management, and record retention of all records and details collected and maintained for training and assessment services delivered by Inspiritive Pty Ltd .
The policy and procedure also provides processes to ensure Inspiritive Pty Ltd can maintain compliance with all external reporting responsibilities (i.e. – AVETMISS, Quality Indicators).
Responsibility for Records Management
The RTO is required to maintain a Student Record Management System that is able to collect AVETMISS data.
Retention of Student Training Resources and Assessment Instruments
The RTO is required to maintain master copies of all training resources and assessment instruments for all staff to access as required. These training resources and assessment instruments are also required to be maintained for a period of one (1) year from the date the materials cease to be used within the RTO.
The CEO is to archive these documents/ recourses either in hard or soft copy to ensure access for at least one year.
Retention of Student Records and Assessments
The RTO is required to ensure that all records of training and assessment are securely maintained for the duration of the student’s enrolment and a further 6 months after completion or cancellation of the student’s enrolment.
To ensure these records are maintained Student Administration to ensure that appropriate records are retained as indicated in the schedule below:
Hard Copy Student Files:
Electronic records:
Full electronic student records (records indicating enrolment details, units of competency started and completed and the Qualification/ Statement of Attainment issued) for all students will be retained for a period of thirty (30) years. This will be maintained in a format that is able to be transferred to the ASQA as required.
Provision of student records to regulator
Transfer of records will be consistent with contractual and legal requirements and the requirements of the National VET Regulator (Australian Skills Quality Authority- ASQA). This may include regular reporting of various data (i.e. Quality Indicators) relating to the training and assessment services provided by the RTO.
Document retention and disposal
Student Records:
All other documentation:
Secure storage of electronic records
Please refer to Privacy Policy for detailed information.
Monitoring and review of records
Policy on Inspiritive’s Business Model for Enrolling Students onto 10970NAT Graduate Certificate in NLP Marketing for the program is conducted in an accurate and ethical manner in keeping with the requirements of ASQA for Registered Training Organisations.
Applicants and students are informed of the following:
This policy and procedure is to provide a user-friendly, supportive, streamlined framework for the assessment and recognition of various types of prior competencies obtained by an individual through previous and / or current training, work experience and / or life experience.
The underlying principle of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is that no participant should be required to undertake a unit of study for which they are able to demonstrate satisfactory achievement of the required competency standard or learning outcome for entry into, and/or partial or total completion of a qualification.
This policy and procedure therefore aims to maximise the recognition of an individual’s prior skills and knowledge whilst at all times maintaining the integrity and standards of the defined learning outcomes of the specific course of study.
Assessment of all RPL applications shall be undertaken by a qualified assessor who has successfully completed Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110) and who has the vocational competencies in the unit(s) they are assessing the participant’s competency against.
Inspiritive Pty Ltd shall ensure that each qualification shall have a designated RPL application in place which includes a RPL Information Kit and application with relevant assessment documents that will help the candidate collect evidence to confirm their skills and knowledge.
The RTO also has relevant instructions for assessors to support them in completing the RPL application.
The RPL Process includes 5 stages:
Preparing the candidate with information on the RPL process
All prospective and enrolling individuals must be informed through pre-enrolment information of the opportunity to apply for RPL
Once a participant has confirmed they are interested in applying for RPL they must be provided the RPL Information Kit for the qualification / units they are proposing to include in their application for RPL.
The RPL Information Kit is to provide the required information to students that will enable them to determine if they wish to apply for RPL and the stages of the RPL process.
The following information is to be provided to participants within the RPL Kit:
Gathering of evidence and making a judgement
When the candidate is ready to submit their evidence, an interview with the Assessor will be organised. They will be required to submit all their evidence and the Assessor will review the information provided and begin to match up your skills to the units/subjects in the qualification. This interview helps the Assessor confirm the authenticity and validity of the evidence. The Assessor will document the interview in a Report which will also form part of the RPL evidence.
This interview will include:
At this stage, the Assessor will be able to identify if extra evidence such as the following is required to support the RPL:
Where Practical demonstrations are required the assessor will confirm the details of when and where these will occur. Where appropriate they may be conducted in the student’s workplace, or will be conducted in the RTO’s simulated environments.
Documenting the assessment decision
The RTO is required to ensure that all RPL assessment undertaken is completed and recorded appropriately.
The following is to occur when assessing a RPL application:
Informing the candidate of the RPL outcome
Where the outcome of an RPL is not granted and the participant disagrees with the outcome, they should first try to resolve the matter informally. Where the outcome remains unresolved following informal discussions the individual may appeal by using the methods outlined in the ‘Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure.’ This policy and procedure can be gained from the Student Administration Department and is also found in the Student Information Handbook. The request for an appeal must be lodged in writing no later than 10 business days from notification of the outcome of the application.
This policy and procedure ensures that all staff are introduced into Inspiritive Pty Ltd and are aware of their role and responsibilities when beginning employment. The induction process is overseen by the CEO/Training Manager who will ensure the following procedures are followed when a staff member is employed in a Management, Administration or Trainer / Assessor role(or promoted from within the RTO).
This procedure ensures the effective introduction into the RTO and the staff members obligations are completed efficiently and effectively.
Staff Induction is only to occur after the confirmation of employment has occurred.
For all staff:
Additional requirements for Trainer & Assessors:
USI – Unique Student Identifier
All students undertaking vocational education and training must hold a Unique Student Identifier (USI) and provide it to the College during the enrolment process. Inspiritive Pty Ltd will not be able to issue a Certificate, Statement of Attainment, or Transcript where a student has not provided a USI. For details on USI, visit
This policy/procedure supports the requirements to provide student support services to all students.
This policy ensures that all students are given support while studying with Inspiritive Pty Ltd . This support includes both academic support and personal support and the following procedures ensure that students are made aware of the support available.
Student Orientation
Face to Face Training
At the beginning of a course of study the students are to be given a short orientation and it must include the following:
Online learning platform
When you first receive your login to our online learning platform you will also be offered a Zoom video session in which you will be guided through navigating the learning platform.
Nominated Student Support Officer
Whilst all staff employed by Inspiritive Pty Ltd has the responsibility to provide support to all students, Inspiritive Pty Ltd shall nominate a ‘Student Support Officer’ who shall be available to all students, on an appointment basis, through the standard RTO hours of business.
Students can access the Student Support Officer directly or via student administrations and an appointment will be organised as soon as practical.
Where it is identified that students are having learning difficulties, Inspiritive Pty Ltd will provide additional support to the students in the form of additional learning time, additional reading material, and more support from their workplace supervisor.
If further assistance is required, learners will be referred to specialist external support agencies
If students are having emotional or psychological issues during the course, Inspiritive Pty Ltd will provide referrals to appropriate agencies
This policy and procedure ensures that all RTO Trainers / Assessors are given the opportunity to maintain and update skills and knowledge relating to delivering training and assessment services. The professional development of Trainers /Assessors ensures continued development of knowledge and skills in their relevant industry area and across the training industry.
The following procedure outlines the Professional Development requirements of all Trainers / Assessors employed within Inspiritive Pty Ltd in a full time capacity.
As part of this policy and procedure all Trainers / Assessors are required to update their resume on an annual basis and include all relevant Professional Development activities in the updated version.
This procedure has been developed to assist Inspiritive Pty Ltd manage the transition from superseded Training Packages and/or accredited courses to the latest version / release.
Inspiritive Pty Ltd shall ensure the transition from superseded Training Packages and/or accredited courses shall occur within Twelve (12) months of their publication on the national register (
The procedures set out below will:
The CEO shall be responsible for ensuring the following procedure is followed and the Scope of Registration is maintained in line with the ASQA General Direction ‘Transition and Teach Out’ (ASQA General Directions).
The CEO is responsible for monitoring the Scope of Registration and ensuring:
The CEO is required to check the ‘National Register of information on Training Packages, Qualifications, Courses, Units of Competency and Registered Training Organisations (RTOs)’ ( (TGA) – for updates of all items on Scope of Registration at least quarterly.
The CEO should register their details with TGA to receive notifications for each qualification listed on the Scope of Registration.
The CEO is also required to keep up to date with Training Package and/or accredited courses information by subscribing to relevant industry bodies such as Industry Skills Councils and industry networks.
When a new Training Package and/or accredited courses (or version) is released the CEO is required to follow the below steps to ensure that Inspiritive Pty Ltd is able to deliver the most recent version of a Qualification within an appropriate timeframe.
Inspiritive Pty Ltd must not accept any new enrolments in the superseded qualifications or accredited courses being replaced by the new Training Package after the transitional period of 12 months.
When there is a new release or revision of a Training Package and/or accredited courses that relates to Qualifications / Courses/ Units of Competencies on the Scope of Registration, the following must occur:
Submit Application to update Scope of Registration
Transition to the new Qualifications /Courses/Units of Competency
Only when ASQA have provided confirmation of the successful outcome of an application can the RTO commence to deliver and assess the new Qualification/Course/Unit of Competency. Once this has occurred it is the CEO’s responsibility to implement the new program(s) and ensure the following steps have been taken:
Transition of currently enrolled students
Inspiritive Pty Ltd must not accept any new enrolments in the superseded qualifications or accredited courses being replaced by the new Training Package after the transitional period of 12 months.
All currently enrolled students will be transferred to the new qualification prior to this 12 month period. The transfer of students must be undertaken in collaboration between the student and the RTO and students must be provided timely and adequate advice and guidance about the transfer.
To ensure a consistent approach to the transitional arrangements for students the following steps are to be taken:
Inspiritive Pty Ltd may continue to deliver training and assessment services and issue awards to current students of the superseded qualification who would be genuinely disadvantaged if required to transfer to the replacement qualification, for up to 6 months after the expiry of the transition period for its replacement.
Inspiritive Pty Ltd will implement a ‘teach out’ period for any superseded qualifications where such disadvantages exist and there is sufficient evidence to support this decision. Students that will not complete their course within the designated teach out period must be transferred to the replacement qualification prior to this expiry date.
Removal of superseded Qualification/Course/Units of Competency
It is the responsibility of the CEO to ensure a Qualification/Course/Units of Competency that has been superseded is removed from the Scope of Registration.
This policy is designed to ensure that Inspiritive Pty Ltd is able to ensure assessment instruments effectively address the requirements of the relevant Training Package (or accredited course) and the associated unit(s) of competency. This allows the RTO to ensure assessments are conducted in accordance with the principles of assessment and rules of evidence and identify areas for improvement.
The following procedure will ensure that the validation process occurs in a systematic and consistent manner and appropriate evidence of the validation activities are maintained in accordance with the Standards for RTO’s 2015 which require
Validation is a quality review process. It involves checking that the assessment tool produces valid, reliable, sufficient, current and authentic evidence to enable reasonable judgements of competency to be made. The validation processes will review the assessment instruments and related documents to identify if any further changes are required to improve the quality and consistency of assessment outcomes.,
2.1 Validation Schedule
Assessment instruments for all Units of Competency are to be validated at least once through the life of the associated Training Package or Accredited Course. Validation activities must be undertaken in a systematic manner and all validation activities will be scheduled through the ‘Validation Schedule’ including identifying the units that are to be validated at each session.
The Training Manager shall ensure that a ‘Validation Schedule’ is maintained that identifies when it is planned that each Unit of Competency included on the RTO’s Scope of Registration is to undertake validation. The Validation Schedule is to be for a period of five years and must ensure that all units are validated over a five year period, with at least 50% of units scheduled for validation in the first three (3) years, and then the remaining 50% of units in the following Two (2) years.
The Validation Schedule must include the following details:
To ensure regular validation sessions occur, the sessions should be scheduled approximately every 3 months (each quarter) for each industry area the RTO is providing training and assessment services.
This schedule is to be updated annually.
2.2 Validation Process
All validation activities are to be documented using the ‘Validation Checklist’ (Appendix A). The validation process of each Unit of Competency is to be documented by completing the ‘Validation Checklist’ which must be submitted to the Training Manager at the conclusion of each validation session. This checklist will ensure the Assessment instruments for an individual Unit of Competency are appropriate and address the Training Package requirements. Where any gaps are identified the required action is to be documented on the checklist.
The validation process is to include a review of:
The assessment instruments must be reviewed to ensure the assessment instruments:
The validation sessions are also required to include the reviewing of previously conducted assessments from sample student files the assessments are being used in accordance with the Rules of Evidence. The number of student files to be reviewed must be sufficient to ensure that the result of the review of students’ work is reliable and an accurate reflection of all the assessments in the unit being reviewed.,
2.3 Validators
Validation of all units (other than those from the Training and Education Training Package) are to be conducted by person(s) who do not deliver or assess the unit being validated for Inspiritive Pty Ltd . The validator (s) must collectively have:
The Training Manager will determine the person(s) to conduct these validations and this information will be included in the Validation Schedule
2.4 Results, Action, & Recording of Validation Activities
The results and outcomes of the validation activity must be documented using the ‘Validation Checklist’ (Appendix A).
Where the validation process identifies issues which need attention, measures will be implemented to ensure that all assessments comply with the requirements of accuracy, consistency and fairness. Measures may include:
It is the responsibility of the Training Manager to update the relevant Training and Assessment Strategy and relevant assessment instruments (if required) in line with the recommendations obtained through the validation activities. This process will be supported by the continuous improvement processes and relevant management and / or staff meetings.
The Training Manager shall ensure that all evidence of validation activities are maintained appropriately. This includes Validation Checklists, copies of materials reviewed, and evidence of implementation of identified improvements.
All validation activities are to be recorded and documented using the ‘Validation Checklist’ and the Training Manager shall ensure evidence of all validation activities are collected and reviewed through the RTO meetings and quality assurance systems
It is recommended that students at postgraduate level have sound English language, literacy, communication and interpersonal skills. Language, literacy and numeracy skills are critical to almost all areas of work. This is particularly true in many vocations where language, literacy and numeracy skills influence the performance of workplace tasks such as measuring, weighing and creating or comprehending written work instructions.
Students needing language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) support should indicate this on application. Where only a low level of support is needed, the Managing Director may arrange for the student to receive extra-curricula assistance from the trainer or another staff member. Otherwise, the student is advised to obtain LLN support from a specialist organisation such as TAFE and enrol in the program at a later time. Where an applicant’s LLN deficiency will clearly inhibit achievement of learning outcomes and the applicant declines LLN support, enrolment may not be offered.
To support this approach Inspiritive Pty Ltd will:
1. Intent and Scope
This cybersecurity policy(policy) provides the basis of cybersecurity management within Inspiritive Pty Ltd.
This policy applies to all of Inspiritive Pty Ltd employees, contractors, volunteers, vendors and anyone else who may have any type of access to Inspiritive Pty Ltd systems, software and hardware.
Effective protection of business information creates a competitive advantage, both in the ability to preserve the reputation of Inspiritive Pty Ltd and in reducing the risk of the occurrence of negative events and incidents.
2. Password Requirements
To avoid employees’ work account passwords being compromised, these best practices are advised for setting up passwords:
Use at least 8 characters (must contain capital and lower-case letters, numbers and symbols)
Do not write down password and leave it unprotected
Do not exchange credentials when not requested or approved by supervisor
Change passwords every 4 months
3. Email Security
Emails can contain malicious content and malware. In order to reduce harm, employees should employ the following strategies:
Do not open attachments or click any links where content is not well explained
Check the email addresses and names of senders.
Search for inconsistencies
Block junk, spam and scam emails
Avoid emails that contain common scam subject lines such as prizes, products and money transfers
If an employee is not sure that an email, or any type of data is safe, the employee should contact Jules Collingwood on 0416 267 613.
4. Device Security and Using Personal Devices
Logging in to any work accounts for personal devices such as mobile phones, tablets or laptops, can put Inspiritive Pty Ltd data at risk. Inspiritive Pty Ltd does not recommend accessing any Inspiritive Pty Ltd data from personal devices. However, if this cannot be avoided, employees are obligated to keep their devices in a safe place and not exposed to anyone else.
Employees are recommended to follow these best practice steps:
Keep all electronic devices’ passwords secure and protected
Logging into accounts should only be performed through safe networks
Install security updates on a regular basis
Upgrade antivirus software on a regular basis
Never leave devices unprotected and exposed
Lock computers when leaving the desk
5. Transferring Data
Data transfer is a common cause of cybercrime. Employees should follow these best practices when transferring data:
Avoid transferring personal information such as customer data and employee information
Adhere to the relevant personal information legislation
Data should only be shared over authorised networks
If applicable, destroy any sensitive data when it is no longer needed
6. Physical Documents
Employees are required to ensure that:
All sensitive and confidential information in hardcopy form is secure in their work area at the end of the day
Printed documents containing sensitive and confidential information should be immediately removed from the printer
Any sensitive and confidential information must be removed from the desk and locked in a drawer when the desk is unoccupied and at the end of the work day
File cabinets containing sensitive and confidential information must be kept closed
and locked when not in use or when not attended
Keys used for access to sensitive and confidential information must not be left at an unattended desk
Upon disposal of sensitive and confidential documents, documents should be shredded in the official shredder bins or placed in the lock confidential disposal bins
Whiteboards containing sensitive and confidential information should be erased
7. Working Remotely
When working remotely, all cybersecurity policies and procedures must be followed.
8. Acceptable Use
User accounts on work systems are only to be used for the business purposes of Inspiritive Pty Ltd and not to be used for personal activities.
Employees are responsible for protecting all confidential information used and/or stored on their accounts. This includes their user logins and passwords. Employees are prohibited from making unauthorised copies of such confidential information and/or distributing it to unauthorised persons outside of Inspiritive Pty Ltd.
Employees must not purposely engage in any activity with the intent to: harass other users; degrade the performance of the system; divert system resources to their own use; or gain access to Inspiritive Pty Ltd systems for which they do not have authorisation.
9. Security Requirements
Employees must not install unauthorised software.
Employees must not use unauthorised devices on their workstations, unless they have received specific authorisation from Jules Collingwood.
Employees must not attempt to turn off or circumvent any security measures.
Employees must report any security breaches, suspicious activities or issues that may cause a cyber security breach to Jules Collingwood.
10. Disciplinary Action
If this policy is breached, one or more of the following disciplinary actions will take place:
Incidents will be assessed on a case-by-case basis
In case of breaches that are intentional or repeated or cases that cause direct harm to Inspiritive Pty Ltd, employees may face serious disciplinary action(c) Subject to the gravity of the breach, formal warnings may be issued to the offending employee
This document outlines the terms and conditions governing the enrolment, payment plan, and extension options for 10970NAT Graduate Certificate in Neuro-linguistic Programming offered by Inspiritive Pty Ltd, a Registered Training Organisation (RTO).
1. Enrolment and Acceptance of Terms By enrolling in 10970NAT Graduate Certificate in Neuro-linguistic Programming, the student agrees to comply with these terms and conditions. The initial enrolment period is one year, during which the student is expected to complete the program requirements.
2. Program Fees and Payment Plan
3. Extension of Enrolment Period
3.1 Enrolment Extension Fee: Upon completing the initial one-year enrolment period, students have the option to extend their enrolment for an additional fee of AU$50.00 per month.
3.2 Maximum Enrolment Period: The maximum allowable enrolment period is three years. Beyond this period, access to course materials and assessments will be restricted, and the student may need to re-enrol in the program.
4. Refunds and Cancellations
4.1 Refund Policy:
4.1.1 Full Refund: If a student withdraws within the first 14 days of their enrolment, a full refund of the program fee will be provided.
4.1.2 Exceptional Circumstances: In cases of documented exceptional circumstances, such as medical emergencies or unforeseen personal challenges, refund requests may be considered on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of Inspiritive Pty Ltd.
4.2 Cancellation: Inspiritive Pty Ltd reserves the right to cancel the program in unforeseen circumstances. In such cases, a prorated refund of fees paid will be provided for units of study identified as “Incomplete” and “Not commenced” at the time of cancellation. Inspiritive Pty Ltd will calculate the refund amount by deducting the cost of completed units from the total program fee.Units which have been assessed as “competent” or “Not Yet Competent” are deemed complete and do not qualify for refunds.
5. Access to Online Learning Platform
5.1 Course Materials: Students will have access to course materials via the Online Learning Platform for the duration of their enrolment.
5.2 Technical Requirements: It is the responsibility of the student to ensure they have access to the necessary technology and internet connectivity to participate in the online program.
6. Student Responsibilities
6.1 Academic Integrity: Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. Plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct will not be tolerated.
6.2 Communication: Students are required to keep their contact information up-to-date and respond promptly to communications from Inspiritive Pty Ltd.
7. Changes to Terms and Conditions
Inspiritive Pty Ltd reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time. Students will be notified of any changes, and the updated terms will apply to all current and future enrolees.
By enrolling in 10970NAT Graduate Certificate in Neuro-linguistic Programming, the student acknowledges and accepts these terms and conditions.
Inspiritive Pty Ltd, PO Box 79, Double Bay, NSW 1360
20.12.2023 V1
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