1. Policy

This Policy & Procedure has been designed to ensure that Inspiritive Pty Ltd issues Qualifications and Statements of Attainment in accordance with the required standards and protocols in place. Inspiritive Pty Ltd will only issue AQF certification documentation to a learner whom it has assessed as meeting the requirements of the training product as specified in the relevant training package or VET accredited course.

The following procedure ensures that the required information and format is applied to all Qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by Inspiritive Pty Ltd .

All students are entitled to receive appropriate testamurs for the successful completion of any nationally recognised training.

  1. Procedure

Information to be included on Qualifications and Statements of Attainment

All Qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by Inspiritive Pty Ltd will comply with the requirements of the AQF (Australian Qualifications Framework) and the Standards for RTO's 2015 (Schedule 5) current at the date of the issuing of the Qualification or Statement of Attainment.

The CEO is responsible for ensuring that Inspiritive Pty Ltd maintains the most current version of the following documents to ensure all testamurs contain the appropriate wording and information:

  • AQF Implementation Handbook
  • Standards for RTOs 2015 Schedule 5

For information on the AQF Implementation Handbook see the Australian Qualifications Framework website for information: http://www.aqf.edu.au/.

For information on the Standards for RTOs 2015 see: Standards for RTO’s 2015

For more information on ASQA requirements of Issuing Qualifications and Statements of Attainment see ASQA website: http://www.asqa.gov.au/vet-registration/meet-the-requirements-of-ongoing-registration/issue-qualifications-and-statements-of-attainment.html

All testamurs must also use the NRT and AQF logos/ wording correctly.

For information on the NRT logo, see the: Nationally Recognised Training Logo specifications guide: ASQA NRT Logo specifications

For information on the AQF logo/ wording, see the: Conditions of use of the Australian Qualifications Framework Logo guide: http://www.asqa.gov.au/qualifications/issuing-qualifications.html

See Appendix A and Appendix B for the RTO Qualification and Statement of Attainment templates.

These templates have been incorporated into the Student Management System (VETTRAK) to allow testamurs to be printed directly from VETTRAK

Issuing of Qualifications and Statements of Attainment


  • Qualifications will be issued to students when they have been assessed as competent in the Units of Competency specified as being required for completion of a Qualification.
  • The Qualification will be accompanied by a Record of Results that will identify the units completed as part of the Qualification.
  • The Qualification will be issued within 14 days of the student completing all required units in the Qualification. The units completed will be included on the back of the Qualification.

Statement of Attainment:

  • Statements of Attainment (SOA) will be issued to students who have completed any Unit(s) of Competency but have not attained a full qualification.
  • A Statement of Attainment will generally be issued when a student withdraws or cancels their enrolment in a Qualification and have successfully been assessed in one or more units of competency, or if they enrol and undertake in a single Unit of Competency.
  • The Statement of Attainment will be issued within 14 days of Inspiritive Pty Ltd becoming aware of the students withdrawal or cancellation, or of the student completing the single Unit of Competency
  • A Statement of Attainment will normally consist of a single page, however it may run on to a further page (the back of the document) where there is a long list of competencies.

Fraud Protection

Inspiritive Pty Ltd has a number of measures in place to prevent fraudulent copying or production of Qualifications / Statements of Attainment. All qualifications and Statements of Attainment shall include:

  • Designated Certificate / Statement Number for each student
  • Authorising Signature
  • Designated Certificate / Statement paper that shall be sourced through a professional printing company with an embossed seal

Quality Control and Record Keeping

Prior to printing a Qualification or Statement of Attainment the following steps must be completed by Student Administration.

Step 1

The Student File must be checked to ensure all required paperwork is contained within the student file and the Student Management System is up to date. The student file must also be checked to ensure it contains all evidence of assessment and the student has successfully completed all Units of Competency that are included in the Qualification or Statement of Attainment.

Step 2

The Qualification or Statement of Attainment must be issued a number and these details are to be recorded on the Student database (Insert database).

Step 3

Administration is to issue a copy of the Qualification or Statement of Attainment by use of the database function to print the testamurs, and the use of the specific Qualification or Statement of Attainment paper.

Step 4

Once CEO has authorised and signed the Qualification / Statement of Attainment, the Administration Manager will make a copy of the issued document and file it in the Student File.

Issuing duplicate Qualifications and Statements of Attainment

  • A student wanting to request a duplicate Qualification or Statement of Attainment should complete an application in writing to Student Administration.
  • There is a cost for re-issuing Qualification / Statement of Attainment is $25.00
  • Prior to re-issue, all duplicate Qualifications or Statements of Attainment must be approved by the CEO.
  • All duplicate testamurs are to be issued within 5 working days from receipt of payment.
  • The written request and copy of duplicate Qualification or Statement of Attainment will be filed with the original client record.


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