Policy and Procedure

This Policy & Procedure supports the AQTF 2010 standards in ensuring Inspiritive Pty Ltd is delivering quality training and assessment and is able to adapt to client needs as required. It is also able to ensure that the RTO is able to act is a responsive manner to all identified issues and areas of concerns.
It provides a range of systems and processes to ensure that all stakeholders of the RTO are able to contribute to the development and improvement across the Registered Training Organisation.


Inspiritive Pty Ltd is committed to ensuring it is able to provide quality training and assessment services, ensure compliance, and effectively react to changing customer needs, compliance requirements, and feedback from stakeholders. The RTO will ensure that all staff are actively and regularly involved in formal meetings to provide relevant information and support to staff and allow staff the opportunity to suggest improvements and identify areas of concern.
The following activities are undertaken to ensure all staff are involved in the continuous improvement and quality process.

2.1 Management / Staff Meetings

The Quality Management process is ultimately managed by the CEO and implemented by the Training Manager.

Management Meetings:

Management meetings are held MONTHLY and will follow a set agenda and will minutes will be generated at the completion of the meeting. The Management meetings are attended by:

  • CEO
  • Training Manager
  • Trainers / assessors
  • Student Administration
  • The meetings ensure that the current activities, requirements, and general overview of the RTO operations are undertaken and reported to the CEO through these meetings.

Topics discussed:

  • Student Administration items
  • Information should include updates or discussion on student files processes and general paperwork requirements for student files.
  • Compliance items
  • Identify any compliance issues, concerns or achievements
  • Provide professional development items to ensure staff understand the compliance requirements and required processes.
  • Validation items
  • Discussion about validation activities undertaken and planned
  • General Training Items
  • Discussion on training achievements
  • Milestone updates
  • Trainer caseloads and expectations of training to be achieved
  • Resources / assessments questions, updates, suggestions
  • Training Package updates
  • Updates of any Training Package or version changes / updates
  • Changes to any qualifications on Scope of Registration
  • Feedback Summary
  • An overview of any feedback summary reports that are generated
  • General Business
  • Any items that may be of relevance to the operation of the RTO.
  • Any proposed significant changes to the RTO ( E.g. ownership, high managerial positions, financial viability etc)

Trainers Meetings:

Trainer meetings are held each FORTNIGHT and will follow a set agenda and will minutes will be generated at the completion of the meeting. These meetings are to be chaired by the Training Manager and follow a set agenda and minutes are to be taken and recorded appropriately. All trainers / assessors will have the opportunity to raise any concerns and be informed of issues relating to the RTO operations. The Training Manager will keep all trainers informed and updated on related training issues and include the following topics:

  • Current Course Overview
  • An overview of the courses currently running
  • Progress reports on delivery and assessments within each course
  • Trainers to report and discuss students progress
  • Any concerns to be discussed with other trainers to gain overall picture of students
  • Attendance and progress to be confirmed
  • Student Administration
  • Any student record issues
  • Assessment records and outstanding paperwork
  • General administration requirements
  • Database update
  • Compliance Issues / General Training Issues
  • Policy & procedure updates
  • AQTF updates
  • Other regulatory requirements (i.e. funding, record keeping, etc) o Any general training issues / concerns
  • Discussion on any feedback received
  • Student representative update (Once per month)
  • Internal / External Validation Discussion
  • Network updates o Assessment / resource validations
  • Professional development undertaken by Trainers
  • Occupational Health & Safety Issues o Any Issues?
  • General Business
  • General issues that relate to the operation of the RTO

2.2 Feedback :

Feedback is gained from the following stakeholders:

  • Students
  • Staff
  • Employers
  • External Clients (Agents, Consultants, potential Students or any other person who deals with the RTO in a professional capacity)

Feedback is gained through a variety of methods, as follows:

Student Feedback

Students are encouraged to bring any issues of concern they may have to the attention of appropriate staff as soon as possible. This ensures the ability for the RTO to address any immediate areas of concern.
Feedback shall be gained from the student at various points throughout the program at an informal level. The RTO shall also conduct formal feedback at 2 occasions throughout the student course – midpoint and completion.

Midpoint Feedback: At the midpoint of the student’s course of study, the students will be asked to complete a ‘Midpoint Feedback survey’. This allows the RTO to ensure that the student is satisfied with the services that the RTO is providing and that they are receiving the services outlined in their enrolment information.

The Midpoint Feedback Form will administered by Student Administration and the relevant trainer / assessor. Completed surveys are to be submitted to the Student Administration Department.

A summary of the feedback collected is to be presented for review through the Trainer Meetings and Senior Management Meetings where required action can be determined.

Completion Feedback:

Students are also asked to complete a ‘Learner Questionnaire’ upon completion of their course of study. This evaluation requests feedback across a range of aspects including:

Course content
Course delivery
Course assessment
Training Staff
The ‘Learner Questionnaire’ form is completed by the students and submitted to the Student Administration Department either directly or via a Trainer/Assessor. The data is entered into the online Survey Management, Analysis and Reporting Tool (SMART) in accordance with AQTF Quality Indicators requirements. From the data entry of the results of the ‘Learner Questionnaires’ reports will be run for analysis and evaluation in the Quarterly Review Meetings, which is conducted as part of this Quality Management Policy and Procedure.

Employer Feedback

Feedback from employers will be used to obtain information on the quality of training and assessment being administered to their staff by the RTO. The views of the employer will provide a perspective on the quality and outcomes of the training, and will be utilised to support continuous improvement activities and to build and manage relationships with the employers.

The “Employer Questionnaire’ form is completed by the employers and submitted to the Student Administration Department either directly or via a Trainer/ Assessor. The data is entered into the online Survey Management, Analysis and Reporting Tool (SMART) in accordance with AQTF Quality Indicators requirements. From the data entry of the results of the ‘Employer Questionnaires’ reports will be run for analysis and evaluation in the Quarterly Review Meetings, which is conducted as part of this Quality Management Policy and Procedure.

Staff Feedback

Feedback is sought from Staff on the effectiveness and efficiency of insert RTO name policies, procedures and service delivery. This feedback shall be gained through divisional/team meetings, performance appraisals and informal discussions.

Staff meetings are held regularly, where Staff are encouraged to provide feedback or suggestions on all aspects of insert Inspiritive Pty Ltd operation as an RTO. The meetings will have planned agendas with minutes taken and action required will be delegated and noted.

Staff are asked to complete a ‘Annual Staff Evaluation’ form as part of the RTO’s Staff Performance Review process. This feedback form asks Staff to review and evaluate the processes and practices implemented by Inspiritive Pty Ltd and identify areas for improvement. This information is then reported at ‘RTO Annual Review Meeting’.

2.3 Audits / Reviews

Internal AQTF Audit

The Training Manger shall ensure that at least ANNUALLY an Internal Audit is conducted to ensure the RTO is maintaining compliance against the AQTF standards. The Audit shall identify areas of risk in the Learning and Assessment processes, policy & procedure issues and breaches, and general areas of improvement throughout the RTO operations. This audit should occur prior to the management review meeting to ensure that any issues identified may be addressed through the Management Review.

The audit is to be documented through a checklist (refer to VRQA website and Auditors handbook) and report of any recommended courses of action to improve the practices and processes that were reviewed. Where an external consultant is employed to complete this task the checklist and report will vary but must be related to the current AQTF standards.

RTO AQTF Quarterly Review

At least QUARTERLY a review will take place which will include the key personnel of the RTO including at least:

Training Manager
Training Coordinators
Training Administration Coordinator
Representation from Trainers and Assessors
A ‘Quarterly Review Schedule’ is to be followed which identifies specific areas to be reviewed each quarter. Following the schedule will ensure that all AQTF standards and Conditions of Registration are reviewed. The Quarterly Reviews shall take place with an agenda that details the order that areas shall be reviewed.

2.4 Academic Board

To maintain and improve the quality of the RTO’s education processes and outcomes the RTO has established an ‘Academic Board’. This Academic board is to meet on a regular basis and is has a documented ‘Terms of Reference’

Membership of the Academic Board will consist of:

Voting Members Identify 4 people who can provide academic advice and who are independent of ownership or employment of the College. Non-Voting Members, Chief Executive Officer, List other staff members who will attend but will not vote.

The purpose of this Academic board is to complete the following:

The monitoring of policies and procedures relating to the provision and reporting of training and assessment services including enrolment processes, delivery and assessment processes, recording processes, student progression, RPL and Credit transfer processes, issuing of qualifications processes, and quality management policies and procedures.

The oversight of implementation of processes related to validation and moderation requirements.
The review and evaluation of academic quality assurance processes for course materials used for delivery and assessment purposes.
The oversight and review of procedures for handling appeals/complaints related to academic matters.
The implementation of planning processes for changes to training and assessment processes or materials. This includes approval of any new materials to be introduced.
The Academic Board must follow the ‘Terms of Reference’ and all meetings are to be documented with agenda’s and minutes.

2.5 Validation of Training & Assessment Material

The RTO shall undertake Validation activities to identify areas for improvement in assessment instruments. See Validation Policy and Procedure for details.

2.6 Continuous Improvement Action Request

In completing any of the above quality processes there may be identified areas that require improvement or follow up action to be taken to ensure compliance is achieved. This improvement may be a small improvement such as a change in a document or a large scale improvement such as revising an assessment approach. Where an improvement requires a structured approach to the development, implementation, and management of the improvement, or the issue cannot be addressed immediately, an ‘Action Request Form’ should be completed by the Training Manager.

Where a required improvement has been identified, an ‘Action Request’ forms. This will identify the improvement required, how this will be implemented, and track the progress of implementation.

The form will be reviewed by the Training Manager, who will review the action request in the Trainer’s Meetings. During the meeting the Training Manager shall allocate required tasks as appropriate to the action request to ensure appropriate implementation can occur. The Action Request form and records of any related activities to investigate, review, or implement the action request are to be attached and filed within the continuous improvement folder.

Policy updated 10.3.12 V2

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