This policy and procedure is to provide a user-friendly, supportive, streamlined framework for the assessment and recognition of various types of prior competencies obtained by an individual through previous and / or current training, work experience and / or life experience.
The underlying principle of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is that no participant should be required to undertake a unit of study for which they are able to demonstrate satisfactory achievement of the required competency standard or learning outcome for entry into, and/or partial or total completion of a qualification.
This policy and procedure therefore aims to maximise the recognition of an individual's prior skills and knowledge whilst at all times maintaining the integrity and standards of the defined learning outcomes of the specific course of study.
Assessment of all RPL applications shall be undertaken by a qualified assessor who has successfully completed Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110) and who has the vocational competencies in the unit(s) they are assessing the participant's competency against.
Inspiritive Pty Ltd shall ensure that each qualification shall have a designated RPL application in place which includes a RPL Information Kit and application with relevant assessment documents that will help the candidate collect evidence to confirm their skills and knowledge.
The RTO also has relevant instructions for assessors to support them in completing the RPL application.
The RPL Process includes 5 stages:
Preparing the candidate with information on the RPL process
All prospective and enrolling individuals must be informed through pre-enrolment information of the opportunity to apply for RPL
Once a participant has confirmed they are interested in applying for RPL they must be provided the RPL Information Kit for the qualification / units they are proposing to include in their application for RPL.
The RPL Information Kit is to provide the required information to students that will enable them to determine if they wish to apply for RPL and the stages of the RPL process.
The following information is to be provided to participants within the RPL Kit:
Gathering of evidence and making a judgement
When the candidate is ready to submit their evidence, an interview with the Assessor will be organised. They will be required to submit all their evidence and the Assessor will review the information provided and begin to match up your skills to the units/subjects in the qualification. This interview helps the Assessor confirm the authenticity and validity of the evidence. The Assessor will document the interview in a Report which will also form part of the RPL evidence.
This interview will include:
At this stage, the Assessor will be able to identify if extra evidence such as the following is required to support the RPL:
Where Practical demonstrations are required the assessor will confirm the details of when and where these will occur. Where appropriate they may be conducted in the student's workplace, or will be conducted in the RTO's simulated environments.
Documenting the assessment decision
The RTO is required to ensure that all RPL assessment undertaken is completed and recorded appropriately.
The following is to occur when assessing a RPL application:
Informing the candidate of the RPL outcome
Where the outcome of an RPL is not granted and the participant disagrees with the outcome, they should first try to resolve the matter informally. Where the outcome remains unresolved following informal discussions the individual may appeal by using the methods outlined in the ‘Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure.' This policy and procedure can be gained from the Student Administration Department and is also found in the Student Information Handbook. The request for an appeal must be lodged in writing no later than 10 business days from notification of the outcome of the application.
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