Inspiritive Pty Limited was established in 1987 by certified trainers of Neuro-linguistic Programming to offer high quality, tailored services to its members and clients. The company uses the skills of highly qualified, credible and recognised trainers within the industry and its professional conduct and quality of service is well recognised by the international NLP Community. The organisation’s Strategic Plan provides evidence of the positioning and goals of Inspiritive:

Supporting people in their professional and personal lives with:

the strategies and processes necessary for them to deliver quality services to their customers, personal associates and themselves,
the necessary and sufficient elements to enable them to make systemically viable choices in their lives and work.
The integration of information into the work and living practices of people in such a way that:

  • relationship is a valued criterion understood to facilitate tasks
  • information that is valued is easy to find and use
  • the most appropriate management is applied to any task

As an ethical and quality provider of accredited training Inspiritive Pty Limited will:

  • Maintain adequate and appropriate insurance including public liability and Work Cover.
  • Advise the Australian Skills and Quality Authority (ASQA) in writing within 10 working days of any change to the information contained in the Registration / Endorsement application.
  • Allow the ASQA or its agents access to training records, delivery locations and staff for the purpose of auditing performance or verifying compliance with the Conditions of Registration/Endorsement.
  • Pay the ASQA all recognition fees within 30 days of these fees being due and payable.

Version 4 2012

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