Have you run through several accounts and kept making the same mistakes?
Have you jumped from trading educator to trading educator trying to find something that works?
Do you really want to get an edge in your trading?
The Reality is that most people who attempt to learn to trade do poorly at it.
Financial trading is a sophisticated skill comprising a number of component skills that need to be mastered to develop consistent results. These component skills can be divided into two categories, the technical skills and the psychological skills.
Broadly, technical skills can be sequenced as research (for set-ups that fit the trading rules of the traders model), execution (clean entries and exits), and trade management.
Psychological skills involve awareness of one’s own patterns and emotional responses. Interestingly, traders often come to recognize how important the psychology of trading is only after trading for a couple of years.
Good technical analysis skills without a sound understanding of Trading Psychology mean you will become very sophisticated at getting very stressed and very anxious.
One skill is useless without the other.
Successful traders focus on both skills, have training in both and work on both at the same time.
In this course Chris Collingwood and Michael Brook will be focusing on the key principles of trading psychology. At the end of the program participants will have an awareness of the influence of their emotional responses during trading, and some simple tools for tracking and developing choices about their emotional responses. They will also gain an understanding of the process of developing high-performance or ‘flow’ states that are a feature of the psychology of expert traders.
Dip. TAS, BA (Psych), Grad. Cert. NLP, MAppSci.
Chris has been working in designing and teaching accredited training courses and coaching for over 25 years. He has a particular passion for working with market traders in developing emotional choice about how they operate when making and executing trading decisions.
Trained in psychology, his area of interest is in applied cognitive psychology for the study of expertise and expert performance. He first became interested in financial trading when he and his life partner were engaged to model the expertise of a well known trader.
In addition to private one on one trader coaching, corporate clients have included National Westminster, Societe Generale Australia.
Bachelor Engineering
Michael has been working as a full time trader for 18 months. He commenced trading full time 7 months after starting his trading education, achieving a high level of success. Michael has been involved in performance coaching for a period of 9 years and has assisted numerous clients overcome emotional blocks to their performance and effectiveness.
Michael has trained extensively and taught in the field of applied cognitive psychology and hypnosis.
Change your Trading Strategy for Life in one High Impact Weekend
Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th February 2023
Earlybird Now Available
Day one is comprised of 3 workshops that cover the following topics
The Secrets of Expert Traders
The essential disciplines for develop expertise and expert performance in trading
Keeping Your Cool
Recognising and managing your emotions when trading any market so that you can maximise returns
HIgher Yield Trading Strategies
Developing habits that work for high-performance trading so that your time and money are fully optimised
Day 2 builds on the previous content and is divided into 3 key areas:
Trading models
Building or enhancing effective trading model from first principles
Dealing with setbacks
What to do if things go wrong. How to reset your mental and emotional balance
Maintaining balance
The essentials for managing risk
“Over time my way of thinking and feeling has really evolved. This has naturally led to successful outcomes in the different business contexts I am involved in. I utilise patterns of NLP explicitly, in my coaching and training work and in terms of developing and running my own businesses. In fact, I’ve been able to create and maintain business assets that continue to deliver ongoing passive income for me which, in turn, have enabled me to live the life, I’ve, always imagined ”
~ Jarett Lefers, CEO & Entrepreneur- View Full Testimonial‘
Jarett is an Inspiritive graduate that has used NLP in his entrepreneurial pursuits to achieve incredible success
Dates: 18 & 19th February
Time: 10:00am – 6:00pm
For over 30 years our lead trainers, Chris & Jules Collingwood, have been teaching people how to make changes in their lives to get the very best out of life.
Whether that is more health, wealth, love or happiness, NLP has been instrumental in making ‘the difference that makes a difference’ for thousands of individuals, businesses, organisations and communities.
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